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San Carlos Part 1

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First of all thanks Christain for the indepth explanation of your hunt. I was wondering how you were during in that snow storm that hit up there. Congratulations to Mathew on his fine buck and I hope you can seal the deal on yours as well. There is no doubt if anyone can do it you will with your determination. Good luck and I look forward hearing the rest of the story. :)



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Congratulations on a great buck Mathew, and good luck to you when you go back Christian. Hope you find a bigun..

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Yeah, that's a nice buck! Great writeup also.

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Work schedule got changed so I will be out the next 2 days trying to find me a monster! Will be posting pictures and Part 2 when I get back!

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I am finally getting to read this great story and post Christain wrote. I have been going crazy at work and doing some family things and have not had a chance to get on the internet. Christain on the other hand, He is the best hunting partner anyone could have. He glasses almost as good as I do, He scores deer on the hoof better than anyone I know, He is an unbelievable hunter and he can stretch the truth like nobodies business :P . Truthfully though I could have not done it with out you buddy (and Jesse too). What a great time on a great hunt and I will always remember it forever. Especially when I look at my professional pictures taken by Wolf Photography. Man Christain you are the best picture taker I know. Those pictures are unbelievable. I wish I could get up there tomorrow and help you kill a toad. They have killed some great bucks up there this week and I think you are going to top them all. I hope you kill a 120"+ buck with double droppers. You deserve it brother. Thanks for writing a great story and making great excuses for my misses. I couldn't even come up with that good of one :P . Also thank you everyone else for all of the great responses about my buck. Even though he is not my highest scoring buck I think he is my favorite looking buck. I appreciate all your comments and I wish all of you great success in 2011. Also thanks to my dad for helping me on all of my deer hunts up there. He always helps in some way. I hope one day me my son and my dad can all hunt together up on the rez together.

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