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Archery Muley!!

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Went out this morning for archery javelina. Got high to glass and between My Dad, John(Whale), and myself we saw over 30 deer and not one pig! After a while John and Myself decided to head down where a good buck had disappeared over a ridge. I worked my way towards the last spot we saw them and had a couple does jump up around 50yards. With the wind changing I decided to peek over the ridge before the deer could wind me if they were still there. As soon as I top out I see a deer bedded under a juniper quartered away. Shortly after that I realized it was the buck and at 48yards I took a shot. I thought I had hit it and called John to let him know to keep his eyes out as it ran his way. Little did I know he had only gone 60 yards and heard me talking(1st dumb mistake of 2011) he took off and I called my Dad to keep a look out from our glassing spot. John headed up and after finding good blood my Dad called back letting us know he had spotted the buck. We headed that way staying on good blood. After about a mile of tracking and blood thinning I began to lose hope. That's when the buck jumped up and I followed after him while John stayed on the trail. I ran a long ways trying to keep up and came over the top of a ridge to find him standing at 123yards. I waited for John to catch up who had picked up the rest of our group along the way. Right before they got to me the buck began to walk down the bottom of the canyon. I started along the top of the ridge to cut him off and got 86 yards when he stopped. I began to ease my way down when he looked up at me. I ranged him at 76yards and with the slope decided to hold at 60. I drew back and let it go. I saw the arrow hit! The buck ran up the other side about 10 yards and stopped, I thought he was hunching up so I began to put the binos on him. Before I could I saw the feet kick out and he crashed in the trees! After letting out a loud yell everyone came running down. Hands down one of the most exciting and rewarding hunts I have ever been on! Thanks to Daniel, Nate, Justin, John, and my Dad. I had help spotting tracking and packing. I'm not sure how I was lucky enough to be the shooter but I'll take it! I can't thank my Dad enough for passing on the great passion we share for hunting. The only downfall of the hunt was now I have to wait 364 more days to deer hunt! Oh well I couldn't pass this guy up, my first archery mule deer! Now to get back out there for the pigs!


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Congrats on a nice buck! At least you still get to go pig hunting some more.....

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Way to keep after him !





I'll be on the road today for 12 hrs to begin my deer and pig hunt on Monday.

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Congrats amigo it was fun. I dropped him off at clay's this morning. talk to ya later

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That is just totally amazing. Great story, one of the best I've seen here! Congrats on a hunt you'll remember for a lifetime, and of course "Nicely done!!!" Thanks for sharing!

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