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Opening Day Success

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This morning I took this boar. With the hard freeze last night I slept in a little and got to the field around 8 am. I located a herd about 5 minutes after setting up my tripod. They were 1,000 yards off feeding right next to two muley does. After making sure no bucks were hanging around I closed the gap with a perfect wind right in my face and shot my pig inside of 20 yards. I hit him broadside through the lungs and had total pass through with a Hoyt AM 35 and a 100 grain Muzzy 4 blade. The pig went about 15 yards and piled up. The does were less than 30 yards away and didn't spook until after I walked up on the dead pig. It's nice when every thing comes together for a change. Good luck to everyone else who gets out this weekend.


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Congratulations !


Don't back up , there's a Cactus right behind you! :o :lol:

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