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Rough year

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My son and I drew a December Whitetail hunt; very excited, right! Wrong! Lost my job of seven years and lost all my vacation! With that said, now I only have two weekends to hunt; the opening weekend and three days of the Christmas weekend. Opening weekend I had to leave my son behind for his winter league baseball. Man, did I get some he!! from my brother who said "#@$# baseball he has a December tag!".... So my brother and I go out the Saturday of opening weekend and see more hunters than deer. It was a warm day all we see is a spike and a doe that Saturday. We decide to use Sunday as a scouting day, and hunt with our good friend Robert (Pinedonkey) who has the same tag and his Garrett. We spent most of the morning glassing, nothing moving at all. So we take out the guns and do some long range shooting practice. Guns are on; I called it a weekend and drove back to Mesa. Now I have to tell my wife that my son and I will not be home for Christmas: (That’s another story). Saturday the 18th I am at work and I get a text from my brother that Robert is on a nice buck. I receive the text early and I tell my brother to keep me posted. Now I can't concentrate on my work. I text my brother about half an hour later to get an update. Then I get a picture of Robert and a beautiful four point. Now I'm a mess, can't wait for the five days I have left of work to go bye so I can get down there to HUNT. Fast forward to Christmas Eve; find a buck for my son to take 45 min before the sun goes down. By the time we get up the hill and range the deer is over 600 yards, the shadows are on the hill the deer is on and too late to move in closer so we back out. Sunday, my last day to hunt, I call in the CLOSERS my brother Dan, Garrett, Jamie (mcelkhunter) and his son James. Sunday morning before sun comes up I send Garrett to the top of a hill to start glassing. He is to the top in 10 min. I am slowly making my way to the top, huffing and puffing with my legs burning. I get half way up and look up at Garrett waving at me to hurry up; he has a buck spotted. Since it was my last day, if it has a good frame, I will take it. I finally get to Garrett, he shows me the buck its about 800 yards feeding across the mountain. We make a plan to close the distance. Again Garrett is at our shooting spot in 5 min; here I come 15 min later. Get the gun set up, range him at 485 yards. Settle in and take my first shot Garrett says right away “you missed”... right in front of him. The deer starts walking; I get back in the gun. I got him, but he keeps walking through my scope, he won’t stop. Garrett re-ranges him...the buck stops at 575 yards, the cross hairs are solid just behind his shoulder. Garrett says "take him" I pull the trigger of the Rem 300 Ultra Mag and I hear Garrett yell "You Rolled Him"! Then I can hear from the bottom of the canyon my brother, my son, Jamie and James yelling “Woohoo!” We all meet up at the bottom of the canyon and made our way up to the downed deer. Of course Garrett, James and my son made it to the downed deer 10 min before the older guys. Garrett and James thanks for hauling that deer down that steep mountain. "You guys are beasts." And thanks to my brother Dan for your hours of glassing and scouting for me while I was stuck in the city. Robert and Jamie you have raised some fine hunters. Guys I promise next year I’ll be in better shape.This year started out rough for me but it turned into one that I will remember forever! Hopefully my wife will forgive me one day too. My bucks not going to win the big buck contest I’m in but he will sure look good on my wall. Jon a big thanks to you too. You know why. RED DRAGON.....





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That's really awesome. Despite all the things going on, you got out there with the help of family and friends to make some truly amazing memories. Nice job.

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Every year that we get to go hunting with family and friends is a good year. It is amazing to watch these kids as they develop into the quality hunters they are becoming. It seems like just yesterday we were all looking at hunt dates and how they might conflict with preganacies...time sure flies. Heres hoping 2011 brings health, happiness, quality tags, and more time hunting with friends and family.

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Awesome buck! And awesome story!! Thanks for sharing.... I agree, that one WILL look very nice on the wall! My adventure begins this coming Friday... Archery in the Pinals! Soooo Excited!

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Dave, that is one fine buck, Congrats to you and Josh. I am glad I was there to see you take him. That was a blast, although a little nerve racking watching from the stands!!!

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