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Duck hunters rescued

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FLAGSTAFF - Rescuers saved two Arizona hunters from freezing Lake Mary southeast of Flagstaff after the men fell into the water and were found clinging to their boat.


The Arizona Department of Public Safety says the men were duck-hunting Monday when one of them stood up to take a shot and lost his balance.


The other man tried to catch his friend, but they both fell in and were unable to get back in their overturned boat.


With help from the Coconino County Sheriff's Office, a DPS helicopter crew lifted 37-year-old Russell Price and 25-year-old David Wilson, both of Flagstaff, from the water. Both men were treated for hypothermia and exhaustion and are doing well.


The air temperature was 32 degrees and the water had thin layers of ice on some parts.


DPS estimates the men were in the water for about 30 minutes.


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30 minutes? They were probably close to death. Lake Mary is not very wide in most places. Seems they should have been able to dog paddle to shore. Maybe their waders were full of water?

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30 minutes? They were probably close to death. Lake Mary is not very wide in most places. Seems they should have been able to dog paddle to shore. Maybe their waders were full of water?

I thought the same thing.


A no fun situation. I'm glad they're ok.

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