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the largest army in the world

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This blogger adds up all the hunters in just a handful of states, and comes to a striking conclusion: The state of Wisconsin has gone an entire deer hunting season without someone getting killed. That's great. There were over 600,000 hunters. Allow me to restate that number. Over the last two months, the eighth largest army in the world - more men under arms than Iran ; more than France and Germany combined - deployed to the woods of a single American state to help keep the deer menace at bay. But that pales in comparison to the 750,000 who are in the woods of Pennsylvania this week. Michigan 's 700,000 hunters have now returned home. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia , and it is literally the case that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. His point? America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower. Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security. Lark.

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And now I have a warm fuzzy feeling.


Now to come up with a. Plan for the folks attacking us from with in our borders

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the fact that every other american was armed was taken into consideration by the Japanese.



wolverines was just on a few days ago. my mind started thinkng of just how many true patriots would cause ANY invading force to have fists! think about how many VERY capable LOOONNGG shooters, not me, are around now compared to the WW2 era. not saying they were not around but not in the numbers as before.














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  Traveler said:



Any Red Dawn fans out there :D



Great thread!

o ya graet movie man I still have it on VHS in a box some where at my moms house

what a movie.

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WOW! That is some sh*# right there! I never have put any #'s together. I know if The U.S. was invaded I would be locked and loaded and do my part to dispel them out of our country! I have always read that China has the largest fighting force. I bet China would not like to land on our soil for a fight!



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China has an estimated population of 1,341,321,000 (1 BILLION, 341 MILLION, 321 THOUSAND) people. Our recent census is expected to show we have a bit over 308,000,000 (308 MILLION) people.


Do you really think China needs to worry about fewer than 14 million hunters armed with deer rifles? We might be able to delay and irritate them for a while with some disorganized guerilla warfare, but their superior numbers, the high-tech weapons we've shown them how to build, and their willingness to experience great loss of human life (just look at how they fought in Korea) would overwhelm us within a year of the invasion.


Not to worry, though. China's leaders long ago decided armed warfare wasn't needed to conquer us, and they opted to wage an economic war instead.


Guess what? They've already won without firing a shot. All China has to do is announce they will not buy any more of our debt, and dump what they already hold, and we will be in deep doo-doo within hours.


Bill Quimby


Incidentally, the number of hunters in America has been dropping as the U.S. population grows, which means that in just the past 10 years we have gone from about 8 percent of the total population to just 4.5 percent. The losses aren't just in the West where we are limited by restrictive permits. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas each used to sell more than 1 million hunting licenses each year. No more.


We used to be able to say that about 10% of Americans hunted, another 10 percent were opposed to it, and the remaining 80 percent were in the middle. The percentages today are more like 4.5 percent hunters, 25 percent anti-hunters, and 70.5 percent in the middle. All of this means we're losing this battle, too.


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  billrquimby said:
China has an estimated population of 1,341,321,000 (1 BILLION, 341 MILLION, 321 THOUSAND) people. Our recent census is expected to show we have a bit over 308,000,000 (308 MILLION) people.


Do you really think China needs to worry about fewer than 14 million hunters armed with deer rifles? We might be able to delay and irritate them for a while with some disorganized guerilla warfare, but their superior numbers, the high-tech weapons we've shown them how to build, and their willingness to experience great loss of human life (just look at how they fought in Korea) would overwhelm us within a year of the invasion.


Not to worry, though. China's leaders long ago decided armed warfare wasn't needed to conquer us, and they opted to wage an economic war instead.


Guess what? They've already won without firing a shot. All China has to do is announce they will not buy any more of our debt, and dump what they already hold, and we will be in deep doo-doo within hours.


Bill Quimby


Incidentally, the number of hunters in America has been dropping as the U.S. population grows, which means that in just the past 10 years we have gone from about 8 percent of the total population to just 4.5 percent. The losses aren't just in the West where we are limited by restrictive permits. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas each used to sell more than 1 million hunting licenses each year. No more.


We used to be able to say that about 10% of Americans hunted, another 10 percent were opposed to it, and the remaining 80 percent were in the middle. The percentages today are more like 4.5 percent hunters, 25 percent anti-hunters, and 70.5 percent in the middle. All of this means we're losing this battle, too.



That's a sobering post there Bill....

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  billrquimby said:
China has an estimated population of 1,341,321,000 (1 BILLION, 341 MILLION, 321 THOUSAND) people. Our recent census is expected to show we have a bit over 308,000,000 (308 MILLION) people.


Do you really think China needs to worry about fewer than 14 million hunters armed with deer rifles? We might be able to delay and irritate them for a while with some disorganized guerilla warfare, but their superior numbers, the high-tech weapons we've shown them how to build, and their willingness to experience great loss of human life (just look at how they fought in Korea) would overwhelm us within a year of the invasion.


Not to worry, though. China's leaders long ago decided armed warfare wasn't needed to conquer us, and they opted to wage an economic war instead.


Guess what? They've already won without firing a shot. All China has to do is announce they will not buy any more of our debt, and dump what they already hold, and we will be in deep doo-doo within hours.


Bill Quimby


Incidentally, the number of hunters in America has been dropping as the U.S. population grows, which means that in just the past 10 years we have gone from about 8 percent of the total population to just 4.5 percent. The losses aren't just in the West where we are limited by restrictive permits. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas each used to sell more than 1 million hunting licenses each year. No more.


We used to be able to say that about 10% of Americans hunted, another 10 percent were opposed to it, and the remaining 80 percent were in the middle. The percentages today are more like 4.5 percent hunters, 25 percent anti-hunters, and 70.5 percent in the middle. All of this means we're losing this battle, too.

With china you’re right on the money.

The work that i do is 98% china involved and i can tell you and I really hate to say this but the people of china don’t know anything in their life but work and country that’s it. Their work ethic is unmatched by any other country in the world.

There work day starts at 6am and does not end until 9pm that does not including travel time. They work 6 days a week. The Chinese worker only gets one week of vacation a year and that’s considered a privilege.

There also very smart by the time I child is 12 years old there required to know what we consider collage algebra, if this type of intelligence is not achieved by then that kid he or she is moved to a more manual labor type of schooling.

Now with that little of info and put in population numbers we will have a very hard time in deal with China if there was to be a war. (Will never happen)

By the way look in the mirror and point out something on you or in the room that’s not Chinese made, I am willing to bet its one or two things. Scary right (and if you have things that are from Vietnam or Indonesia its still Chinese companies avoiding anti-dumping duties set on the Chinese main land).


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The Chinese also have the ability to act instantly on things that would take us a decade to do. When I went there in the early 1990s, it was unusual to see an automobile. Everything moved on bicycles, and the roads were terrible. Almost overnight, there were superhighways and millions of vehicles,simply because the government had ordered that it happen. You are correct about their educational system. Even back then, every kid was being taught English, and not like we teach foreign languages. They were taught to speak it fluently I had seven and eight year olds speak in English when they learned that was my language.


Bill Quimby

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  billrquimby said:
The Chinese also have the ability to act instantly on things that would take us a decade to do. When I went there in the early 1990s, it was unusual to see an automobile. Everything moved on bicycles, and the roads were terrible. Almost overnight, there were superhighways and millions of vehicles,simply because the government had ordered that it happen. You are correct about their educational system. Even back then, every kid was being taught English, and not like we teach foreign languages. They were taught to speak it fluently I had seven and eight year olds speak in English when they learned that was my language.


Bill Quimby

Bill your right it’s a country that moves and does like one big unit. Everything that they do in life is like a regimented Army. Even when they eat they eat like a unit, it seems like everyone lift their hand to their mouths at the same time.

It’s really an crazy culture and until you see it hard to understand.



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