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35 A and B December muzzy hunt question

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My buddy drew this December muzzle loader any antlered deer tag. He went down this weekend and didn't see any deer. He is trying to get his 13 year old boy his first deer. I am not asking for anybodies honey holes just a recommendations on where some deer might be. He would be happy with a spike. Your help would be appreciated for this kid, as he is the next generation of hunting.


Thanks in advance!



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most of the people that go after and draw that tag do not hunt WT with it. they are looking for carps. I can't say I blame them. that is what I would be chasing if I had that tag.

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My brother had that tag last year and saw a ton of WT and mule deer and he killed a mule deer. This year he has the same tag and he has only seen a like 6 does. He is seeing lots of sign just no deer. he is headed out this morning again maybe this colder weather will have them up and moving around. Last week it was 80 degrees in Tucson.

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