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140 Inches of Coues Bone!!!

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140 inches between both bucks that is :P


Well my dad and I both had December tags this year and we both tagged out in the first 4 days. Not big bucks, but it was a great hunt we spent together. Also the first 2 days we had Carl (YOUNGGUNZ), and I cant thank him enough for coming out and helping.


The first day my dad and Carl went to one point to glass the flats and some draws that I couldn't see from up in the canyons. Almost instantly Carl had found several bucks in the flats. My dad just wanted another 3 point and there were 2 of them working a ridge so he was off. The bucks never would stop moving so my dad never was able to relocate them for a shot opprotunity. I had only found does that morning so I decided to go up to the same point as them to try to locate one of the 3 points for my dad again. We glassed til dark only turning up does that afternoon.


Day 2 my dad woke sick so it was just me and Carl. We went back onto the same point in hopes of finding something bigger. We glassed all morning finding several bucks including the same 3 points from the morning. Hearing alot of shots around us we decided to check out another area. Driving into the new area we saw my dads truck, apparently he was feeling better, but was going to just hang out around the roads glassing. Carl and myself hiked up into the hills midday in search of a big buck. We glassed midday turning up a 2 point when Carl said he found a 3 point. I called my dad and asked if he wanted to go after him. He said he did so I circled around to setup above the buck in shooting range and relocate him. My dad made it to the point about an hour later and the buck was still bedded. We setup my gun and dialed the turret to 325 and waited. When the buck stood up my dad tried to readjust a little and accidently shot! The buck ran down the hill and came up on a ridge and stopped. I ranged him at 350 this time and dialed the turret. My dad settled down and made a perfect shot dropping the buck in his tracks! This buck had been shot earlier this year in his left front leg and was struggling also.


Here is the view from where the shot was




My dad setting up for the shot






Find the buck bedded




Here is the buck







Day 3 we went to a different point and glassed all morning turning up alot of does and some small bucks. We decided to take the afternoon off and focus on getting the meat taken care of.


Day 4 we went into one of my favorite spots where we have seen alot of good bucks in the past. Glassing before light I found 2 bucks including an 85 type buck, but they went over the ridge before a decision could be made. We glassed all day turning up does on every hill with a few small bucks here and there when I finally located another buck around 1:30. I could tell he was a 3 point but not how big due to heat waves. So we moved closer to get a better look. We set up and relocated the buck bedded at 577 yards. I debated shooting for a while, I called and texted several friends to see what they thought. After weighing all the options I decided to take the buck. I setup up my spotter with my camera video behind it and dialed my turret to the 575 mark and took the shot. The buck never left his bed! Now I can focus on my San Carlos tag starting January 1!


Here is the view from where the shot was




Setting up for the shot




The buck bedded (he got up and turned before I decided to shoot)




Here is the entrance on the buck




The buck




Here is the video of the shot, jsut click the picture link (I shoot around the 1 minute mark)





I was planning on holding out for a larger buck, but I couldnt pass up the opprotunity with my dad present. It was a great hunt and I can't wait to do it again!

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The view in the first picture is amazing. I would sit that draw allday. And the "find a buck" pic......ill have to take your word for it that's there's a deer in the pic.



Looks a good hunt congrats.

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Congrats, nice deer man. The video is cool too!! Hit me up I want to hear the story, and if you want some extra eyes on your san carlos hunt let me know

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Congrats on a couple of nice bucks Christian and great shot. Awesome video and pictures. Good luck on the San Carlos hunt and I'm looking forward to the story of that one.

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The Video is legit my man!! Wish i was there for it. Thanks agian for lettng me tag along with you and your Pops.

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Congrats to you and your dad! I hope my dad and I can tag out together like you guys did. I love watching the videos and yours turned out really good.

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Came back to watch the vid.



He was hit pretty hard, those 160 Accubonds are great bullets.

Loved watching the vapor trail.

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Christain, awesome video and another great writeup. My congratulations to you and your Dad. It doesn't get any better than that. Memories forever! Thanks for sharing with us all here and good luck on your San Carlos hunt. :)



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