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Hot do I kill this beast

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I got this pic on one of my game cameras but it is in the middle of great deer country. What is the best way to get him without spooking all the deer away? I dont know if calling would scare the deer. Any ideas? Oh and can anyone tell if this is a male?



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more then likly he is walking through, they travel long distances and could be 20 miles from there in a weeks time

Dont they just make a big loop so he will be back?

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more then likly he is walking through, they travel long distances and could be 20 miles from there in a weeks time

Dont they just make a big loop so he will be back?


I havent seen a comprehensive documentary on mt. lions, but I watched a National Geographic 3-part documentary on snow leopards on YouTube. I HIGHLY recommend it. Couldn't stop watching it...

Anyway, I learned a lot about large cat habits especially in relation to their home range. There is controversy as to the actual size of home ranges, with estimates from 10 sq mi (3mi x 3.5mi) to 300 sq mi (15mi x 20mi), but it for sure varies according to prey density.

The documentary illustrates how cats will have bordering, with some overlap, with other cats home ranges, and marking posts, with which they can coordinate the intervals at which a cat visits an area. In other words, they space themselves out so as not to mess up others' hunting efforts, along with maximizing the opportunity for their own hunts by not following to closely to another cat. They don't want to have to stalk on freaked out herds and wary animals any more than we want to hunt spooked, pressured animals. It was really interesting.

Unfortunately, he'll be back. When? Who knows but if there are a lot of deer and water, and no other cats on your camera, it might be sooner rather than later. :(

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if you hold em i will check the gender. with cats you need to be real close to tell. same with bears more or less. females have a smaller "home" range which is still quite large. 10 to 50 mi

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i called a lion in once and didn't see it til i stood up to leave. it was during the b.s. closure, june, july, august, so i didn't pull the trigger.

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Thats what i need for the new young hounds. they are ready for the real deal. let me tree him and you shoot him. that way we both get what we need done. I get in some more live training and you get a cat. the thing is another will just move in and take over. then next year we can do the same thing again. HAHAHA.


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Personal experiance, backed by some book reading, has shown me that lions can and will come back around the same paths. My experiance with one lion in particular is that he will be in a certain canyon the third week of the month most every month. He will visit one specific tree in order to freshen up his sign post between 9 and midnight at leat one of those nights. Amazing how consistent he is and how consistently we miss each other.


I would leave the camera out for a couple of months and watch for a pattern. If one develops, I would try to call when you suspect it is in that area. Just my humble two cents worth.

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