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couple of greys. one XL

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my buddy called me and wanted to go calling, and i asked what he wanted to try for and he said lets go try some grey's as the coyotes arent responding all that well, so off we went. the day ended up will calling 4, rolling 4, and bringing home 2.... we were calling some really thick, nasty brush, and i rolled one, that sucker bit the dust hard, with my 12 gauge, 3 1/2 in shelles, so i kept calling, and looked back around and it had crawled into some brush and i never found it, Then a little latter that day, my buddy dumped one with his 223, and we had the same thing happen, thought it was down for the count and then it was gone.... *(&)*& i hate it when that happenes.... anyway the one i shot, was one of the bigger geys i have seen/called/shot, it was right at 15 lbs..... look at the difference in the body and neck of these 2 greys.... the one is the normal average size.... then look at the big male compared to him.... sorry pictures were after dark when we got home, on my shop floor before i skinned them.






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