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What hunting ISN'T.........

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I haven't posted too often on the site. Really enjoy reading the posts though. I recently went on an October hunt with my dad. It's the first big game animal he's taken in 22 years. He took a respectable 3x3. He didn't pick up hunting again until a few years back when my brother and I started putting him in. He really enjoys hunting with his boys now...... I think so anyway ;)


I was pretty frustrated on this hunt. If I offend someone by bringing out something that they do while hunting, well, I really don't care, you're not a hunter, only an armed hiker! I never worry about these people actually shooting anything (except maybe ME), but I am sick of them making a hunt not enjoyable. Most of this happened during this hunt. Time to vent..........


- You're not a responsible hunter if you decide to make sure your gun is zeroed in the day before the hunt, by shooting it out of your camp at the Mnt. side. First off, it's illegal and second, if you haven't figured it out by now, that's why you can't find any deer! Once again, you're messing with other peoples' hunts, not just your own


- There's no reason that you need to play your music at night time so that it can be heard a mile away. Save that for your parties at home. I still haven't seen a deer yet that enjoyed the 2-step or cumbia (sp?)


- This one didn't happen to me but it happened to a friend of mine in this same area during the same hunt. What are you thinking shooting handguns until close to midnight out of your camp? It's rediculously un-safe not too mention inconsiderate. Once again, illegal.


- If you see someone that has been glassing the hillside you're about to walk through, be considerate when they waive you down, don't walk through it. They may have bedded a nice 3x4 in it the night before. Once again, wether you're walking through an area you know is being glassed, or walking in general during prime glassing time, be considerate to those trying to hunt.


- Some of you may feel different, but how do you feel comfortable driving into an area and parking right next to someone you don't know? I know there's some people out there who purposely do this so others will leave the area. You're not a hunter, you're a jerk.


- If you're waiting for deer to move out of a canyon, don't hurry up the process by shooting down in there several times until you know it's clear to move.


- If you have to look through your scope to see what another hunter is doing then you're a moron and shouldn't be trusted with a firearm! Go down to Wal-mart and buy a pair of $20 binos!


-Some people can't hunt without alcohol. That's fine if you drink. If you do, do it responsibly, not while road hunting! I don't care who you are, you shoudn't be using a firearm if you've been drinking. I'm so sick of your beer cans too. Why is it that most, not all, camps where there's beer have cans all over the place? Pick up your trash, whatever your choice of drink is!


Last of all, be aware of the seasons going on. There's nothing more frustrating than putting a stalk on a buck during archery season in January and hearing the all-too-familiar screeches from a varmint call, the sounds of shotguns blasting at quail because nothing came in to your varmint call, while your bow is sitting on your front seat if the opportunity rises that a dumb, deaf and blind deer may run accross the road. Give the animal you're pursuing and others out there some respect!


I belive I'm preaching to the choir so I'll stop now. If I did bring up something you do, please reconsider your actions in the field, it's not just your hunt! Trust me, I'm not putting myself on a pedistal here. If I've ever messed up someone else's hunt, it was never because of something I did illegally, purposefully or just out-right stupid. Thanks guys and gals for listening. Here's a pic of my dad's buck.


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And nice buck. congrats to your Dad.

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I think that there are a few Mearns quail hunters that might disagree with you about there right to hunt there game of choice. The seasons and habitat of Mearns and Coues run together so who trumps who? I'm not picking a fight, just asking a viable question. ;) Mike

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Congrats to your dad on his buck! I would have to agree with you on everything accept the quail part. I love to hunt coues, but I also have a strong passion for quail and like mentioned before sometimes the two are found together. I always try to be respectful too any deer hunters I see while quail hunting, but I'm not going to stop running my dog after quail just because deer is in season. JMO. Congrats again on the buck.

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1st of let me say nice buck & congrats. 2nd i am sorry you had a bad time while doing so. I agree with alot of what was said, its only common sense and common courtesy to respect others while hunting/camping.Its not only and enjoyment factor its a saftey issue. the only good thing is that "these people" only road hunt or do not travel more then 250yrs from thier camps. So like u said the odds of them tagn a deer are slim. they have a better chance of tagn another hunter. So thats why i hike in as far as my o'l legs will carry me. i am just curious on what unit u were hunting cause i had close to the same on mine. Hunt safely keep yur eyes open and head down while going to and from camp, kinda feeels like bagdad.

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I think that there are a few Mearns quail hunters that might disagree with you about there right to hunt there game of choice. The seasons and habitat of Mearns and Coues run together so who trumps who? I'm not picking a fight, just asking a viable question. ;)  Mike



I respect that question. I didn't want my post to look biased towards one type of hunter. I was basically posting against those who treat the field like it's a time to get away from the nagging wife, act like an idiot and shoot anything and everything that's in season. Trust me, I'm an opportunist when it comes to being able to just plain go hunting.


My story of the quail hunters during archery season wasn't to state that I didn't LIKE quail hunters during archery season. These guys were varmint calling with their shotguns. When nothing came in, they hopped in their truck, drove up the road a little further, jumped out and starting chasing and shooting the quail. My brother was 80 yards to a feeding 4x4 muley buck at the time (I know, but they, WT and Muley's, all run together in here) that would easily go in the high 160's. The buck left after the varmint caling. Then everything else did after the shotguns went off. When we went up to the hunters, they said, "....sorry, we're just after everything today. See our bows in the truck?" Right there with his kid next to him who was about 12 yrs old.


Once again, everyone has a right to be out there. No one take precedence over the other. Just respect everyone out there. I believe everyone on this site probably does.

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I was in 36A. It's hard to get away from the pressure during those 1st and 2nd hunts. My dad's also limited with where he can go. Besides, I put a nice buck to bed the night before the hunt started so I tried to get to him first thing.

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I've got a Dec 36b hunt coming up and hopefully won't run into any of the problems that you did. Congrats to your Dad on a nice buck! Mike

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I'm sorry I caused your hunt to be an unenjoyable experience. I'll try harder next year to make it a better experience.


These are the things I will change.


1. Next year I will sight in my rifle two days before. That will give the deer a day to recover. Though I will have to bring more beer for the extra day out in the woods. ;)


2. I know my radio bothered you. Next year I will try and play music that you like. Could you please email me your favorites and then everyone will be happy. :)


3. I'll make sure we shoot smaller handguns at night so the noise won't be quite as bad. But look on the bright side. You will be listening to the music that you want to. Again a win win for everyone.


4. Next year we will drink coke instead of beer. Though I really think we will need to add huge amounts of Mr. Jack. Again you win. No beer drinking.


5. Next year I'll clear the canyons with hand grenades instead of my bullets. I think it will be more effective anyways.


6. I also think we will drink out of bottles too instead of cans. That way we won't leave cans all over the place. Though we probably won't pick up the bottles. I'll consider that a compromise :P


7. I can't help you out with the drinking and driving. I've got to have something to look forward too. You've won on all of the others.


8. I know safety is of the upmost concern. Next year I will unload my gun before I put my crosshair on you while I look at you through my scope.


9. Now that I'm thining about it.......Maybe we should just camp together so we can work on our issues. I'm pretty sure we will see eye to eye by the end of the hunt. :)


See ya in camp.....I'll bring plenty of Jack for everyone....YiPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully this will give you a little laugh because I could feel the tension through my monitor.





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Well put J, tell your dad congratulations for me.

Did you draw a tag this year?


Thanks for the congrats guys.


azpackhorse, I'll tell my dad. I was lucky enough to draw a Dec 33 tag. I can't wait

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I'm sorry I caused your hunt to be an unenjoyable experience.  I'll try harder next year to make it a better experience. 


These are the things I will change.


1.  Next year I will sight in my rifle two days before.  That will give the deer a day to recover.  Though I will have to bring more beer for the extra day out in the woods. ;) 


2.  I know my radio bothered you.  Next year I will try and play music that you like.  Could you please email me your favorites and then everyone will be happy. :)


3.  I'll make sure we shoot smaller handguns at night so the noise won't be quite as bad.  But look on the bright side.  You will be listening to the music that you want to.  Again a win win for everyone. 


4.  Next year we will drink coke instead of beer.  Though I really think we will need to add huge amounts of Mr. Jack.  Again you win.  No beer drinking. 


5.  Next year I'll clear the canyons with hand grenades instead of my bullets.  I think it will be more effective anyways.


6.  I also think we will drink out of bottles too instead of cans.  That way we won't leave cans all over the place.  Though we probably won't pick up the bottles.  I'll consider that a compromise :)


7.  I can't help you out with the drinking and driving.  I've got to have something to look forward too.  You've won on all of the others. 


8.  I know safety is of the upmost concern.  Next year I will unload my gun before I put my crosshair on you while I look at you through my scope. 


9.  Now that I'm thining about it.......Maybe we should just camp together so we can work on our issues.  I'm pretty sure we will see eye to eye by the end of the hunt. :)


See ya in camp.....I'll bring plenty of Jack for everyone....YiPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully this will give you a little laugh because I could feel the tension through my monitor.






Thanks for the laugh :P

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I agree it is hard to find solitude out there with some many hunters, and others. I am not sure about the rest of you but I like to get out there and away from people. That is why I like to pack in away form the roads. I have noticed that the people that act stupid out there don't like to work hard. I have yet to see any one pack beer in on there backs for 5 miles.

It would be hard to have limitations. I feel for you.

That is a good buck and you must have worked hard at helping your dad.




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