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What hunting ISN'T.........

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Agree with 100% with what you said, although I don't think it is illegal for someone to shoot at a mountain side. Now you know why I consider the December hunt a premium hunt. Less hunters, and you can hunt in the middle of the week when all the bozos are gone.

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Agree with 100% with what you said, although I don't think it is illegal for someone to shoot at a mountain side. Now you know why I consider the December hunt a premium hunt. Less hunters, and you can hunt in the middle of the week when all the bozos are gone.


I don't want to kick a horse while it's down, or make it seem like I need to explain everything I've said but from what I understand, on State Land, you need a Special Use Permit to target practice. Your hunting and fishing license only works as such when you're in the act of hunting or fishing. You guys are making me look anal here. ;) Maybe I should have showed a little more humor in my post to lighten things up. I'll remember that next time. Trust me, I can't wait for the solitude of my December hunt!

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Tines, where will u be in december i got this new CD i want to try out and i just got my rifle back from the smith i need to make sure tis AOK. oh and if u need any power i got a 12,000 watt generator that i run all night dont worry i got extra ear plugs. no need to justify anything u wrote anal or not its the TRUTH.

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like said before, i agree with all you have mentioned accept the quail hunters. yes they share the same habitat and yes many deer hunters like to hunt quail as well. now, the way those people handled it was not right, but it was not illegal either. if they KNEW u were deer hunting, they should have gone atleast a mile away. if they did not know then there is nothing wrong there and they were not doing anything illegal.

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I agree with you Casey if I am not deer hunting or scouting I am out there quail hunting. I try my best to stay out of the way of people and try to stay out of units that have hunts. It is almost impossible though because almost every single unit in the south has a December hunt and that is the best place in the state to hunt quail. Also there are certain quail hunters like me who go after mearns quail that only live in the southern areas where the whitetail live and the season is only open for about 5 weeks when deer season isnt going on so I apologize if I ever messed up your hunt I go back in where no hunters dare to go most of the time so I dont bother the deer hunters. So before you make accusations about all quail hunters try to get the facts straigt ;)

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You are 100% correct. If you had hunted in 32 you would have added: 100's of people riding quads, people trying to hunt the same ridge you are even though they know you are there, and people driving like maniacs. I'm not a road hunter, but you couldn't even get around without dodging and get put off the road by people driving like idiots.


As for the quail hunters, if it was an honest mistake, fine. If they see you hunting and just pile out and start blasting anyway, they are as you say, "idiots with guns".


Ghost Hunter

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Sometimes quail hunters can be your friends too. Last year I went down mearns hunting the opening weekend which happened to be the last weekend of the November WT hunt. I didn't know it at the time. I let the dogs out and away we went. I walked a bunch of canyons and washes looking for quail. Every once in awhile I would hear a shot in the distance. I figured it was quail hunters everywhere.


I got back to the truck and drove down the road and saw a guy glassing away. I stopped and asked him if he was scouting. He said his brother just shot a buck that I kicked to him when I was quail hunting. I told him I didn't know that the season was going on and went down the road to another place. I felt bad but I bet the hunter was really happy I kicked the deer to him.


The fact being is if you are in the right place at the right time a quail hunter can be a good thing too.





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You definetely vented on that post.

Sorry to break the news,....But,...Thats what is gonna happen with all the people moving to Az.

Thousands of people with different hunter ethics are here now.

Get used to it.

It isn't going to go away.


Just be yourself and respect your fellow man.


You have to remember major hunting seasons will always over lap.


Thats why it's always easier to have a light camp (minimal valuables left behind to get stolen) and pack it in in the morning dark and come out in the evening dark.

Or back pack it in and stay in where the majority of people fitting your description won't ever be.


Gettin back to a truck (camp) for a couple beers and good meal is always killer.

Most dedicated hunters need a good nites sleep. I know I do.

I can sleep thru music even cumbia and rap.

Gun shots around other camp at nite I would not tolerate.

You should have called the law if you felt threatened.


Be happy,...your able to hunt with your dad. I never got the chance.


Have fun.


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Thats what is gonna happen with all the people moving to Az.

Thousands of people with different hunter ethics are here now.

Get used to it.

It isn't going to go away.



Fact is most of these "ya who's" (Jerks) moving here have no hunting ethics and are way longer on selfishness and stupidity than they are on common sense. Wish it weren't so, but that is what we got from the "me first" generation.



Tines ,

One you forgot was the morons Standing on a ridgeline yelling to the rest of their buddies at the bottom of a ravine "HEY BOBBY JOHN... YOU SEEN ANYTHING YET? ARE BILLY BOB AND DAVEY RAY DOWN THERE WITH Y'ALL?"


Almost every year we have to deal with braindead selfish fools like these that are basically a waste of good oxygen.


We feel your pain!


By the way Tell your dad he got an awesome buck! ;)

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Here's a doozzy, a friend of mine was hunting over by Pepersauce watching a canyon and some Bozos drove up in a Jeep, jumped out, and started shooting their rifles down into the canyon to try to scare something out. They left and drove off and he could here them shooting again in the next canyon over.

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Hey Tines, NICE buck that your dad took. Sincere congrats to him!


I can't say that I agree with you 100%, but I agree with some of what you said. Mainly I guess I try to respect other's use of public land, just as I would expect them to respect my use.


If I ever camp close to a group of folks that are shooting-off in the middle of the night, etc., I usually just chalk it up to a bad experience and move on. Usually I'm too tired and sleep like a baby anyway. ;) I've been out a lot (like you and most others on here...), and the times that I've experienced any of what you've mentioned is VERY limited. Seems like you summed-up all of the bad experiences that I've ever had in a single hunt. Must have been frustrating.....


As far as not target shooting on state land? Are you kidding? I have to agree with you that you are being anal on that one. I don't know a Forest Service rep or G&F officer that would agree with you on that one (and I know a lot of them...). Where are folks supposed to target practice? Ben Avery only? C'mon, you can't be serious. ;)


Unfortunately, that's what PUBLIC land hunting is about. We have to hope that all folks will respect each other, but some don't. I report them when there is a clear violation, but also respect other's right to be out there and just deal with it if they aren't breaking the law.


I hope you find more solitude on your December hunt! I suspect you will... :)


Good luck!




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opening morning of my deer hunt, i am sitting glassing when there is a guy about 300 yards away from me walking on a ridge exactly in the direction i was facing. he looked like a ya hoo ( open sight rifle, no binos, just a TINY fanny pack) so i waved my arms at him hoping he would see me and walk off. but no, this guy pulls out his radio, turns it on then starts talking in a regulare voice. he then YELLS at me to turn mine on and go on this and this channel. i just pack up my gear ang go find my dad. he made me mad!

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Remember most people do thing like this out of ignorance not disrespect. THey usually aren't aware they are messing up your hunt. I try to give them plenty of room. If they are being really stupid and/or unsafe I leave or go talk to them in a friendly non confrontational way and hint that mybe they could be a little more considerate. I've just learned that in some places and times we are going to be stepping on eachother's toes no matter how careful and respectful we all are. With less careful people out there it just gets worse but it is their land too... The best thing to do is not let it get to you but I know sometimes it is hard.


I get more bent about the illegals since they are breaking the law already and make me feel less secure leaving my camp or truck unattended.

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