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Next Weekend

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My December hunt on Ft. Huachuca starts next weekend and I'm pumped. I haven't been able to scout as much as I would have liked, but I have seen a few nice bucks on the Fort that I hope to see again over the next couple of weeks. Should be an enjoyable time, nonetheless. Hopefully I'll be able to share a few pictures with you all. I've still never been able to bring one in and I'm hoping that this will be the year!

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Been hunting almost everyday since the 17th. As of today, I've passed on a couple of spikes and have seen probably like 20 or 30 doe. But yesterday, I walked back to my truck from where I was sitting. I figured, since I'd not seen anything and it was only 20 minutes until dark, I'd just take a little drive deeper in the canyon. Sure enough, a big, fat one chasin' tail. I was slightly disappointed since if I had been set up where I was that morning, I could have dropped that bad boy with a well aimed shot. But, even though I was kind of pissed, I was actually really happy that I saw that buck. I'm going back out this afternoon and hopefully he'll be after that same doe. Being pretty new to hunting, I've still got a lot to learn. But I'm really starting to fall in love with this sport.

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rutting activity has picked up in the past few days in your unit, keep on hunting them right now, they'll kick into the rut for a few days and then die out, then go back into it again. Head on out to that spot, hang tight and glass, even during midday, hunt hard and you'll find him!


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