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Canadian Pike

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For the past few years, my father and I had been trying to plan a trip to Canada for some pike fishing. This is a story of that plan coming to fruition:

Day 1: I left San Diego early in the morning, and after a 2 hour layover in Minneapolis, I arrived in Winnipeg. I met up with my father, brother, and a few family friends. We would be leaving early in the morning to drive 8 hours north to the lakes we would be fishing, so we quickly went to bed.

Day 2: The long drive up to the lakes was lengthened by some nasty, windy weather. The total drive time was not wasted as we spent it telling fish tales and catching up with each other. We arrived at the cabin around 6 p.m. and realized we were not fishing that night due to the weather.



Day 3: We spent the morning getting fishing tackle ready for a trip to one of the smaller lakes that was more sheltered than the larger two. This lake did not hold the large fish we were looking for, but I did get my first taste of pike fishing. I caught about 30 pike at this lake all in the 20-32 inch range.

Day 4: The weather finally gave us a break and we were able to go out on Clearwater Lake. This lake is one of the worlds largest "clean" lakes. The water source to the lake is a natural spring which keeps the water crystal clear.


We mainly trolled in the morning and ended up getting a few large ones on the boat. I had two "master" fish come off the hook just as they got close to the net. (Fish are considered "masters" if they are 41 inches or longer) My brother ended up catching a very nice 46 inch pike during this trolling. Later in the afternoon, we drove out to the middle of the lake and started fishing for lake trout. The process was simple: let your heavy spoon fall to the bottom, raise your rod up three times, then real as fast as you can to the boat. I caught about 10 trout in 20 minutes with this process and it wore me out. This was probably the most fun we had on this trip although the largest fish was only about 26 inches.




Day 5, 6, and 7: For these three days, we fished Cormorant lake right where we were staying. This lake held the largest fish and was the most desirable of the lakes to fish. Throughout these three days, I caught too many fish to count. Including my three largest fish measuring in at 41”, 42.5”, and 43”. All in all, our group caught 22 “masters” and had a blast. If you have not done one of these trips, I highly recommend you give it a try!




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Holy smokes those are great fish. I have always wanted to do one of those Canadian trips. It has been a long time since I caught a big Pike.


Thanks for sharing your story!

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Nice Catch!!!

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Nice fishing! I always dream about catching pike in a place like Canada, but until I can afford I'll have to be satisfied with occasional trips to upper lake maryto catch a couple.

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