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Im using a live trap and have a bobcat in the area (i have seen him crossing the road) but what is a good bait to use to get him to go in my trap? All I seem to be catching is skunks and 1 coon any ideas would be nice and very appriciated!!!

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how big is the live trap? are you covering the intire thing with brush to camo it? are you putting dirt in the bottom of it, so it has a "sand" floor instead of a wire floor? i knew a guy that was having a cat get in his chickens and he put a live rooster in the back, but he had a big cage..... i would hang something from the inside, that looks like fur, ( remember game animal is illegal) a paice of jackrabbit fur would work, or you can go to wall mart and get a little bag of feathers, and then hot glue the ends of several of them together to make it look like a wing, and hang that from the top of the cage a few inches, with fishing line so that it "fluters" in the breeze, i have even went as far as gotton some of thoe "googly eyes" 1/4" or so and hot glued that to the fur/ or feathers.... dont know if this is necisary or not....but a buddy showed me it so i tried it...any good bobcat gland bait, and/or bobcat urine would work for the bait....

hope this helps. post pic when you catch him:)


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I would use canned cat food, preferably SEAFOOD. You can even pick it up at the gas station up the street. PLUS CATFOOD STINKS REALLY QUICK.

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