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Unit 5 Elk Hunt

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My brother Frank's 2010 AZ elk hunt.

Cold? No VERY Cold.

Frank radioed "dead elk down" at 1:30 PM on the 2nd day of the hunt after a well made and executed plan. Once again, Frank did his part with 2 well placed shots from his .308 Norma Magnum and ruined no meat. After skinning and quartering the animal and hanging all of the meat we hiked 2 hours back to the truck just barely beating darkness. John Bylina, Frank's son in law, was a huge help and skilled hunting companion on this expedition. Day 3 dawned snowing and 21 degrees. It took 6 hours of low range 4 wheel, drive in the snow and ice, with chains on all 4 wheels for the 11.4 mile roundtrip, of almost nightmare proportions, to retrieve the quarters and other meat which we had hung in a tree the evening before. With John B's good off road driving skills we averaged 1.7 mph according to my GPS. This was a lot better than our typical bone it and pack it out routine. Day 4 dawned 8 degress and made it to 22 degrees so at 11:00 AM we began the cut and wrap routine. Freeze the packages....no problem.

It isn't the largest elk, over the years for this Senior Hunter , so why am I sharing the story??

Well.....Frank turned 78 years young on December 5th. It is a great event in the life of this Cowboy/Professor whose terrible horse accident 5 1/2 years ago left me (and him) wondering if we would ever be able to hunt elk together again.

Yes I am proud of this guy. He is tough as heck.

He's my Brother.







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great job. good on ya for helpin' out the geezers. i like to see anyone be successfull, especially old guys that have paid up the hard way. Lark.

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I know what you mean 5b has some terrible roads. good job

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Nothing like the bond between brothers. Thanks for the story and congratulations.


I had a 5A bull tag and yes it was very cold, almost too cold on a few of those mornings. I came home empty handed. There have been way too many bull tags given out in 5A over the last few years. Hope the GFD changes there mind on 300 plus tags. I liked it better when there was about 125 bull tags in that unit.

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Great bull congrats on all the steaks. I don't put in for the late rifle hunts no more because of that reason TOO COLD. Early hunts are perfect but don't tell anyone.

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