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LukeDuke gets his elk

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This was our 3rd elk hunt this season. I got a cow in 7W in October.. My wife had tag soup in 6A for bull. LukeDuke shot a cow this morning just after 7 in 7W. He was in a clearcut area and a herd of elk were coming through. They were just over a rise going through and LukeDuke topped the rise and 2 cows were standing there. He shot it about 90 yards off hand and hit it. It bucked and ran just out of sight. I got up there after I heard the shot. He said he hit it and was looking for it. I looked down and was standing on a blood spot and then looked up to my right and saw the elk laying there dead. Luke had walked 50 yards past it. I said "get over here and tag your elk". He couldn't believe he had walked within 20 yards of it and didn't see it. What would he do without Dad? :lol: Good job LukeDuke and thanks for a fun hunt! He even let me shoot a coyote on the 1st morning.


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