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My late November buck

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Short version:


When I found out my grandmother had passed Thanksgiving morning I knew my hunt would be dedicated to getting a buck in her memory. I succeded last night at 5 pm.


Matt, Larry and I found this buck and another one in the morning. Larry and I moved in on him but he eluded us for the morning. In the evening we went in a different way, a lot closer. Within 5 minutes I had them both bedded, 291 yards. Once he stood up, the .257 wby and 100 TTSX dropped him right back into his bed, dead as a door nail. Larry got it on video and I will expand on the story in a while, just a few pictures:




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Very nice!! Congrats....Sorry for your loss.

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congrats brotha thats a beautiful buck and im sorry to hear about your Grandmother im sure she is proud of you.....

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Sorry to hear about your Grandma, my wife's Grandma passed on Thanksgiving day also so we are going thru it here too. Nice buck dude, I'm sure your Grandma is proud! Congrats, JIM>

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That's a great tribute to your grandma Casey! Congratulations on getting it done on a very nice buck. Sorry I couldn't make it down to help out. I knew with Larry there you guys would make it count!

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Casey, very good job. Congratulations and I agree with every body else, great tribute to your grandma.


Ernesto C

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Longer version:


I headed out at about 8 am Thanksgiving morning to set up a few pieces of my camp so that I could cut down on set up time Friday when I headed out. When I got home from doing that, I come in and see my dad in tears.. Being only the 3rd or 4th time I've ever seen that, I knew something was wrong. That is when I heard the news.



I get to camp at about 11 am Friday morning. Tracy and Angie are there, but out hunting. Right at noon I hear a BOOM and know its them.... Ill let Tracy tell that part, but nothing died.


That night we go west of camp. With my lame ankle I couldn't go all that far but we managed to find really good glassing spot. Within 5 minutes of setting up I tell Tracy "I've got a buck and he might be a toad!" It was getting dark, and we both really wanted Angie to get a buck so off they went. They got set up and I had the video camera rolling. Tracy text me said they had him at 250 yards and once he stood the Chupacabra was gonna hammer him. I hear a "pop" and see the buck stand. Once he stands I hear a BOOM! And he runs off. Unsure of a hit or not we back out and go to check in the morning. Tracy wasnt feeling well so Angie and I went out.


In the morning, I glassed this buck up again on the same hill within 100 yards of where they shot at him. Unfortunately, he bedded down within 5 mintues of me finding him so we backed out. Unfortunately, we arent able to find another buck and their time is out so they leave.


Sunday night my good buddy Matt comes into town and he is there for the remainder of the hunt. Him and I always have a good hunting together and he worked his arse off being able to get there so we got a little carried away that night and didnt get out until the afternoon the next day.


It had been windy all morning and it continued to be but we managed to find quite a few deer during the day just none with a racks!


The next morning we set up in the same area and within 5 minutes, Matt has the nice buck found feeding but up towards the top of the hill he is on. We leap frog it to the next ridge. With him getting near the top and no way to get closer I set the turrets on my scope to "a country mile". I squeeze a shot off and the buck jumps about 3 feet in the air and walks off. I find him again and fire another one and this one misses just over his back. Matt tells me he thinks that first shot killed him so we give him about an hour before we head over there. After playing the shot over and over in our heads and discussing it we think that buck is laying in the trees dead. When we get over there theres nothing. Clean miss.


That night Larry gets into camp and we are all confident were gonna find some deer. Low and behold we do. Again, within 5 minutes Matt finds the buck I killed and another small 3x3 in the same exact spot as the bigger buck the morning before. After a short discussion Larry and I are on the move trying to get to a different rock pile for a little but closer shot. When we get there I find the buck at the top of the hill about to top over. He doesnt appear again. After a while we back out and eat lunch. We discuss a different rock pile that will give us a different angle into the cut that the bucks went into.


We get set up on the hill and again, within 5 minutes, I find the two bucks bedded right near a oak tree. We range it at 291 yards. Larry gets his video camera on him and Matt is the spotter. It takes the buck about 30 minutes to stand up. At 5:00 on the dot he stands up. I ask Larry if he is ready with the camera and he says go for it. Off comes the safety, I squeeze the trigger and before I can say anything Matt lets out a very enthusisatic BOOM!! Assuming that means he dropped dead, they inform me he dropped dead in his tracks right where he was bedded. After some high 5's we walk over there and collect the buck!


Larry, Matt, Tracy and Angie I cant thank you all enough for coming out. It was a awesome time and I am looking forward to doing it agian!


Larry, post up the video and some of your pictures when you get a chance.

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