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got scorpion stung

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Hunting on Saturday in 30A, I was glassing with a tripod, sitting on the ground. I felt something running on my calf inside my pants, thought it was a lizard and shook my leg, BAM! I lifted my pants and found a stinger in my calf. I assumed a bee since the stinger was still there. Never got the raised welt like a bee, now my calf is purple and swollen and hurts to walk. I never saw the critter but Im assuming it was a scorpion. Ever happen to anyone else?

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Bummer, ouch! That has never happened to me (knock on wood) hope you feel better.



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I have been stung twice. It never turned purple at all. It could be the kind. I know the bark scopion is a bad dude and can get to you. what does the spot the sting took place look like now. If it is looking infected it could be a brown recluse bite. They are around in the coues deer country I have been told. good luck getting it better though.

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I was with a dude who got bit on the hand in a hunt in NM once. He swelled a little but the stinger didn't stay there. He got sick and dizzy for awhile but was OK by the next day.


Bret M.

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If it was big enough for you to feel it crawl on ya then it most likely was scorp. However some ants can leave a nasty sting if you have a reaction to it. may sound stupied but take a pen and draw a ring around the very boarder of the purple part ,if its still growing see a DR. cause u may have serious issues can result in major medical compliactions. :( hope u get to feeeling better

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I was bit a few years ago on my foot. It turned alittle red, swelled up alittle, hurt like heck, then it went numb for about 2 days like my foot was asleep. I never did notice a stinger stuck in it though. Hope you get better soon! Any luck on the hunt?

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Grizzly, sorry to hear ya got stung. Hope it's healing alright. Just a couple of notes on yer comments. A scorpion does not leave a stinger in you when it strikes. Generally the "great" discriptions given here by persons stung by a scorpion are totally accurate. Bee's however do leave a stinger behind and the stinger is attached to a venom sac that continues to pump venom into you after the bee leaves. The key is removing the "whole package" without squeezing more venom into you. The sensation of something "running up" your leg was probably magnified by the sensitive and generous amount of leg hair. The other possiblities include a wasp and/or velet ant which is actually a type of wasp. Both can pack a very painful load. Neither are known to leave a stinger behind. Either way hope yer recovery in going well. Venomous critters are mysterious things and I enjoy working with them as part of my job. As azhuntsman stated be sure to followup with yer doc if symptoms are not clearing up.

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Ouch! Hope you get on the mend soon.

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I got stung by a scorpian and my experience was very different than yours. My toe swelled a little but throbbed like heck. It was numb for about a week. I didn't have a stinger left in me and the little bugger didn't live very long after I whacked either.


I would lean more to the brown recluse or a bee. I'm not an expert but I would doubt that you got stung by a scorpian. Though whatever did take a piece out of you sounds pretty nasty. I had a buddy get bite by a brown recluse and he felt like crap for awhile. I would probably go see a doctor if you don't feel very good.





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Like crotalus mentioned the bee is the only one that would leave a stinger unless you smacked it when it stung, but then you would have seen the scorpion, spiders do not leave anything when they bite, if it was a scorp and you smacked it that could explain the bruise, I have been stung three time by scorpions, striped tail and desert hairy, never had a bruise but I did have a finger that stayed numb for over a month when it hit me picking up a fishing pole, the first time I was stung I was sleeping on the river bank and felt something crawling up my leg, reached down and got stung on the rear, had my clothes off and a lantern lit to see what it was, found the scorpion and killed it, and then heard the group on the other side of the river laughing as I had done my dance and tore my clothes off, I was about 15, that one only hurt for a few minutes.

Like everyone else had said if it gets worse or just doesn't seem to get better, go to a doctor.

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I've been bit once by a scorpion (on my stomach inside a sleeping bag) and twice by brown recluse spiders. No stingers left behind by either critter. I knew immediately when the scorpion hit me, and it hurt terribly for at least 12 hours, after which the pain diminished rapidly. On both spider bites I had no idea I had been bitten until I saw the wounds. Brown recluse spiders leave a target-like wound (both were on my thighs) about the size of a small saucer. I ran very high temps and felt awful, and the flesh in the bite area in the center of the wound started rotting until I was treated with certain antibiotics. If I had to make a choice, I'd choose the scorpion any day.



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Guest Ernesto C

grizzly,for the info in your post I dont think it was a scorpion.......it looks or sounds more like a bee.


Hope youm get well soon and thank God you did not get bit/stung between your legs :angry:


God bless you.

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