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Mearns Opener - any reports?

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In CA for the holiday and didn't get to go out for the opener - Any updates? Anyone know if there is reason for optimism this year?



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I hunted six areas in the San Rafael Valley/Canelo Hills and have not turned one covey, all these areas produced from 2-4 coveys during the past 3 seasons. My Brit's already know I suck at shooting, now their seriously questioning my ability to get them into birds; can't say I blame them with the dismal results so far.



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I was deer hunting in the Canelo Hills off of FS Road 799 and turned one covey. If, you are out there still try the foothills to the right 1/4 mile after the AZ trail head as you are driving towards the pass. In that same area two quail hunters said they turned two conveys in there earlier that day as well.

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Thanks, intend to go out tomorrow. Glad to hear someone got onto some. I'll let you know how we do, I'm taking my oldest Brit (10 Yrs. old), she's got a great nose but kinda ifi about retrieves, she's always game for a walk.



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Sounds like it's been a little tough. I was pretty optimistic with all the rain the south had this summer...not so much anymore.

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Went out two days with some really great dogs. Only two coveys, one with 4 birds and another with 7 or 8. Too many hunters and too few birds. The out of state hunters for the most part have not even arrived yet.

The birds have not faired well this year. Lets hope the few birds out there, do not get beat up too bad.

We had some great years, that brought a lot of attention to the Mearns. Lets also hope all of that attention does not effect the numbers for many years to come.

It seems like we had some decent rain, a little later in the summer, but there is a lot of good cover. My feeling are that last year the numbers were down, and yet a lot of pressure was put on the few birds out there. It appears they just could not bounce back.

It would be intreasting to hear the thoughts from the AZ Game and Fish are on the Mearns numbers.



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I'm hoping the lack of success was largely due to the dry conditions and inability of the dogs to scent. Will need to hunt again after a rain or snow and some moisture cometh.

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I was down in 35b helping out on my bro-n-law's coues hunt and was blown away with the amount of bird hunters. They must of been finding some birds because the shots were echoing up and down the canyons pretty much daylight to dark. It appeared that the coveys were quite small from what I could tell looking through the binos.

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Received a couple more reports and all of them have been the same - Lots of hunter, very few coveys with small number of birds in the coveys that were found.

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