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John O

Ryan Got It Done!!

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Ryan has watched his older brother bring home two deer and a javelina over the last few years, and was ready for his turn. A few months after turning 10, we completed the online hunter safety lessons, and he was able to pass the online test. We then went to our field day, which was a real treat, as it was done at the buffalo ranch east of Flagstaff. We had the opportunity to feed the buffalo, as well as a great day of instruction. He was very proud of his field day, and that he only missed 6 on the test (tough test!!). As you can see, he and his friends had a great time.








We decided to pick up some youth over the counter turkey tags, and headed up to unit 27. We had one gobbler coming in on a string, but he turned the wrong way just before Ryan could shoot. A front blew in which ended all gobbling activity, but we had a great time anyway.





Ryan and his brother were then drawn for a junior hunt down south, and it became my mission to get a deer for Ryan. He had paid his dues, and he was ready. Full moon and wind made the first two days tough. The first day we glassed up 23 does, and no bucks. The second day we were joined by my good friend Aaron (APatKelley). Between the two of us we glassed up about 16 deer, with only one buck that topped a hill before we could get close enough for a shot. Extreme wind came in all afternoon, so the boys sat in the car while I glassed protected draws, and was able to glass up 13 whitetails and 9 mule deer. No bucks!


Aaron and I spoke on Sunday and decided to try an area on Monday he and others had found success in the past, but was new to us. My other son had to get back to school, so it was just Ryan. In 3 hours we were able to glass up about 35 deer, with only one forkie that once again topped the mountain before we could even start thinking about a stalk. We headed to the car to figure out the afternoon plan, and as we were driving through a small draw, Aaron saw what looked like a deer. He pulled up his binos, and sure enough it was a mule deer. As we were both scanning the hillside, the 7 does stood up and were walking away from us. Interestingly enough, one deer stayed bedded. After a better look, we determined it was a small 2x2 buck. Ryan and I got out of the car and set up for the shot, but this movement made the buck nervous, and he headed over to join the does. Ryan finally got steady, and was able to get on the right deer (out of 8) immediately. I ranged him at 165 yards, and told him to shoot when he was ready, but he told me he did not have a good view of the vitals because the deer was facing away from us. He had listened in his hunter safety class, and wanted to do it right. The deer turned, and he told me he was on him and he could see the vitals. He shot, and the deer went down where he stood. The shot was a little high, he had to finish him off with one follow up shot. He was on top of the world, and was very proud of his new trophy. Immediately he wanted to get the deer taken care of so we could spend the rest of the afternoon looking for a Javelina. We hit it hard, but were not able to find him one, however he did not go home disappointed. He was a real trooper, getting up at 3:30 am each day, and staying at it with us from dawn to dusk never wanting to quit. Thanks also to a good friend for coming along and sharing in our success and good times. I am very proud of Ryan, and glad we were able to create some treasured memories together.





















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YOU THE MAN RYAN! Congrats on your hunt way go toughing it out and great story Dad!

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Just saw this post!!! Good for Ryan! VERY glad that he was able to connect with his first buck! I liked the hunter's safety pics too!!!







PS: Sorry we didn't run into you guys down there this year. Maybe next time...... ;)

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