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13a success

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post-4533-1290180730_thumb.jpgpost-4533-1290180760_thumb.jpgpost-4533-1290180794_thumb.jpg What a great time. I got to see my two 15 year old boys shoot their first deer. The first pic is a small 2x3. When Jordan spotted him I tried to convince him not to shoot it. I thought it was too small for this area. I could not convince him and he wanted it bad. So, I watched by the truck as he stalked this deer to 50 yards and took it. What an experience to witness. The second pic is my other son with his big 3x3. We left camp at 10 minutes before sun-up the next morning and spotted two bucks and 8 does within 200 yards of our camp. We got out of the truck and stalked this deer to 143 yards and he made a terrific shot in the lung. We found the deer (via blood trail) 100 feet away from where he shot it. The next pic is me with my 4x4. We drove to an area that some other hunters we met said that there were some 4x4's hanging around so we went to take a look. We spotted three 4x4's and stalked them into the heavy brush. Just when we thought these deer were gone another appeared 200 yards away and walking toward us. We all hunkered down until he got 70 yards away an I took him. It was a very successful hunt for us. We were not out looking for the massive trophy. We were looking to get my boys first deer. The chance that I got mine was a added bonus. I'm 51 years old and have not shot a deer since I was 22 years old back home in North Dakota. Quite a long hunting lay-off.

Thank you very much, to all the hunters that helped us out, and a special thanks to the three hunters we met that led me to my 4x4 and hauled it out with their quad. :D :D :D

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Awesome job. I just love seeing those youth hunters. Kids with dad smacking deer = great memories for all of you. Congrats, and good job dad getting those boys out there.

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Nice job! Great to see fathers and sons out sharing the hunting experience.

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Just thought I'd bring this thread back up.Since this trip in 2010. We have been putting in for it in hopes to get back up there before I die. Jeremy and I got drawn this year for it.Jordan went for points because of work and school. Anyway, we're gonna hold out for something bigger this time (maybe). I'm shooting with my bow (hopefully). We are jacked

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Man, I still remember this thread. Good for you on a second tag. Good luck and keep us posted!

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