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Early November last day success

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Well We hunted hard from November 5-8th and could not find any bucks larger than about 85 inches. I was looking to take a good buck at least 100" this year but it wasnt looking good. So anyways Thursday (the last day) rolls around and i decided to go out one last time. After letting my job know that i wasnt gonna be there, we headed into the hills for our last hoorah. We got to our glassing point just as it was light enough to see. We immediately picked up a decent 3 by 3 right below us about 400 yards away. We decided since it was so early to just let him walk. We then started picking up deer left and right. No good bucks though. I decided to go around the hill aways to get a different vantage point. As soon as i sat down I picked up a light antlered 3 by 2

with good mass. I radioed to my dad that i found this buck and we decided to make a move. He was across the canyon probably 800 or so yards away. Just as we were packing up our other buddy tom said that there were now 3 bucks together. The 3 by 2 being the biggest still. We made our way down the hill to cut the distance. As we approched the opposite hillside. the bucks strated running up hill and in our direction. We wondered what could have scared them. Tom was sitting on our original hill and let us know where they ended up. As we approached the crest where tom said he last saw them, my dad picked them up about 240 yards across the canyon. I decided to get set up and laid my backpack down for a shooting rest. We were in the open so we had to be careful not to get spotted. The bucks started heading downhill which made for an even closer shot. I set my gun up, Ranged him at 200 yds exactly, took my safety off, and bang! He ran abot 30 yds downhill where he

collapsed. The other bucks just stood there wondering what had happened. After the other bucks took off, we went to check out my buck. Hes a 3 by 3 with a triple eye guard on his left side. We taped him at 92 4/8. 2010 has been a great year for me. Spring gobbler, 381 early bull, And 92 inch whitetail to cap it off. Hopefully 2011 will bring more good memories! These are the only pictures that would upload because they are all too big : (

Sorry about no field photos



Hes on the right. My buddies 81 inch deer is on the left





Doing my own European mount. Still workin on getting it pretty





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Great buck and to kill it on the last day makes it even better! I love the character on em'!! Congrats! JIM>

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Very impressed! One of the nicer bucks that I've seen posted... Way to go!!

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Awesome buck!

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