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Well I'm not much for writing so bare with me:) It all started on Monday 8th, the hike in and set up for glassing like I had done since opening day of the hunt, but today I had with me CramerHunts with me and for par he made it there before I had and was already glassing up deer before I was set up :unsure: ( yes I am not fast at going up as I am at going down steep knobs :lol: ).

So when I get set up I ask what are you seeing and he said does and a spike. So I start glassing back in a spot where we have been seeing bucks and I had made a stock into the day before but couldn't find the buck I was looking for and was hoping to glass up this morning? As I start glassing I find three bucks and tell CramerHunts three bucks which now he is glassing in the same spot has me and watching these buck spare. Funny thing about the sparing was there was a big 2 point and what we called the meidum three point and a small three point, well the bigger three and the big two started sparing and the little three would join in to make it a three sum spare ( never seen this happen and it was great to experince what we were watching)

Well after watching this for about 15 minutes I looked over to CramerHunts and told him I wanted to take the big two point ( needed to be done for the gene pool right :lol: ) anyways we decide to glass them until they bed down ( 2 candles and 3 hours later they finally bed down, yes I said candles cramerhunts was on the phone with his wife as we watched the bucks do their thing and she sells candles so I had to get my order in for the up coming holidays :lol: :lol: )

Now since they bedded down the game was on! I got all my gear on and on my way up and down I went until I was set up for the shot. It was great to sit there and watch this buck lay in his bed @ 230 yards away. This area doesn't get cell service in most areas we hunt, but it just happened that we were able to use it this time so we were texting back and forth instead of using radios. Well after about 15 minutes of watch and waiting CramerHunts texted to let me know that he was going higher to glass another area and I had replied K back and than the buck stood the same momment I sat the phone down so I aimmed and shot------------------------------- @ the same time that I'm aiming cramerhunts is texting me he is up and before he could send the buck was down so in the same text it read bucks up. Great shot.. What a text book stock and shot :D


Big thanks to my hunting partners and a bigger thanks to CramerHunts not just for helping out on this deer but for everything you have done! You are a true friend!post-3104-1289764914_thumb.jpg

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That looks like an awesome buck BUT you have to switch up the photos of him! Lets see some head on pictures. He looks heavy and I love heavy bucks!




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Great job working hard, stalking and whackin' a very cool buck! Congrats! JIM>

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Stacey, great buck and story. I saw the pictures the day you shot the buck and was going to give you a call but I couldn't find your number. Funny how it is a small world. Hope your son and daughter are enjoying their new homes. If you didn't know before this is Orlin. Congratulations again, looks like you and Phil both shot beautiful bucks.

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Great Job, sounds like an awesome hunt,,, the three bucks wrastlin',,,,thas cool stuff!! wonder if there all cousins or brothers lol

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nice sounds like fun

whats the name of the candle company

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Hey congrats again on a really cool buck Stacy! Good write up and it was a blast, more then happy to help out buddy.


Also the wife is an Independent Demonstrator for Gold Canyon Candles.

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