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Let's do a 36b early Jr's hunt!

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I have been a big fan of the 36a early Jr's hunt. my question is to all of you and the game and fish why dont they put the same hunt in 36b instead of the late Nov hunt. who would be in favor of it? to me it is all about the kids and the more option we have the more kids we can get involved and be more successfully. i just feel they should hunt before the adults for a better experience. your thoughts and ideas are more then welcome.

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I would definitely support it! If they did it, I doubt it would be instead of a later hunt. I would likely be 'in addition to', as it is in A.


Are you going to be down for the 36A/B junior hunt next weekend?? I'll be there with my two boys. If you are, you should stop by the Juniors Camp off othe Botemote Roade that the G&F and SCI are sponsoring! Gabe Paz & others will be there. They are the folks you should be directing your question to! ;) If you're not going to be there, you should call the Tucson G&F office and ask for Mark (36A/B Wildlife Manager) to give him this feedback directly!





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we were down there on the general hunt and my daughter killed her deer on the kiabab jr's and my son has a muzzle loader tag in dec or i would be down there.

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