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Just got back from 3 days of hunting. Saw lots of deer and wound up with a 3 x 2 and a 3 x 3. Took them this morning at about 9 am and within 5 seconds and 50 yards of each other.

Long story short, I Missed the bigger one due to misjudging the range across the canyon, He was the only one we saw, then after standing still for 2 shots he he ran under a pinion tree and gave up his little buddy in the process. Took a shot for the deer with antlers under the tree, and 2 deer came bolting out. My parter dropped the one that came out high with 2 shots and I got the lsmaller one that went down low with 1 shot. We had at least a 2 mile hike out of the rugged area, and had to make 2 trips to get both deer and our gear. Very NASTY hiking in and mostly steep downhill going out.

Anyway, He the bigger one might be the one I got photos of on my game camera! Have to study the night photos more to be sure.

Exciting hunt. More information to follow. How did everyone else do?

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Thanks Griz


Sure was a fun hunt. I saw so many deer that it never got boring. I sure did notice the lack of activity on Friday after the snowfall that morning. The deer seemed to stay down out of sight, but following that melt off, they made up for lost time. Continual movement almost all day long.


I saw so many hunters in the area I was, It was unbelievable. They were running into each other and made planning a stalk difficult. Not knowing where they were going or what they see. One example, I was putting a stalk on a 3x4 about 900 yards away, and when I was about half way to him, my partner said they must have seen me since there were deer running all over the hillside, up and over away from me! Turns out 2 other hunters were heading down the slope uphill from me to try for a 2x2 we passed on that was closer to us.


One other note... Many of the regular Local hunters around Superior, Globe, & Miami are really upset at AZ G&F officer for the area since he basically spelled out giving perfect directions for anyone using the G&F website a couple prime areas in the past. These spots are Not as good anymore. Locals used to be able to get deer prety easy, but now the people from all over the state add lots more pressure. Hunters do tend to be sensitive about guarding prime areas, and many of them feel G&F has broken that honor code.


From what I was told If I was Dana, I don't think I would stop in the area for information or a bite to eat. Only 2 years ago, these folks seemed to like him... Now they keep track of him and have strong opposite opinions of G&F. One guy told me that "the (expletive) didn't take his normal opening day route around the unit due to a little extra snow". I have met him several times and he is a nice likeable guy, but there is really some anymosity toward him I have not seen before. I Don't know if Dana reads the discussion boards, but it is Food for thought anyway. ;)


One campsite of regular local hunters had about 20 people in it and a party on Sat nite had about 50 hunters most from local towns that don't camp out.


Later.. Got to go heal up the sore muscles and season the venison roast in the crock pot! :D

Edited by az4life

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I will post this in the recipe section but FYI...


Crocked it overnight on low and only used apple juice to simmer in.


Apple juice with Venison Rocks! ?Best venison I ever had. I could ave easily past it off as beef to more queasy eaters!

No apple flavor left either. It just tasted like super Lean, great beef!


Easy, fast and Great! :lol:

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Sounds like Dana is on some peoples list for sure. The comment about "not taking normal route around the unit 'cause of a little extra snow" is rediculous. What is a normal route for a wildlife manager? Cops don't do 'regular' routes. This only shows that some folks got rubbed the wrong way and now they are looking for anything else to gripe about - even if they gotta make it up.

People normally gripe about the 'in general' information that the G&F gives. Maybe Dana did goof up by steering some people into some deer. The gripers should be a little better versed in their knowledge of their favorite area and quit blaming other people for their own lack of deer hunting ability.

No, its not my job to defend a game warden, but I don't like the sound of the hostility aimed at our Game Dept. We have enough challenges out there without self distructing.

And besides, how would you like to be a lone cop out in the woods where everyone you deal with has a gun and your nearest backup could be over an hour away? - And now everyone has decided to hate you.

Ease up on Dana, He's on our side.


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I second that

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Hey Mike,


Do I actually see one of your highly-opinionated tongue lashings that is not directed at me? Holy cow.


Very good point.


Chris Darnell

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Hey everyone, Please don't shoot the messenger...


As I said, I have always found Dana Quite likeable and knowledgeable and a credit to the G&F. I've Chatted with him often in the field and on the phone several times over the past 10 years or so.


As far as a regular routine, I almost aways see Dana on the opening Friday or Saturday, or at least get a card from him at my campsite. This year we had no contact at all even though I was camped in a normal spot, so I have to believe they could have been right about the normal routine and the snow. I definitely agree it was disturbing to have so many people "keeping track of him".


About 5 years ago I personally made a comment to Dana about seeing him so regular, roughly the same time and same place during the late hunt, and he sort of laughed and said it was a regular route for him but if he was that predictable, he would have to change his routine.


In my post, I just made the point that the local folks were pretty upset about some info that was very specific on the website. There were a lot of hunters, but I have other places that are easier and closer to hunt if it gets to be worse in that area. A longer Hike in takes many of the road hunters out of play anyway.


For me to hear the comments out of the blue from 3 different groups of area hunters, sure made me take notice. I even told some of these hunters that he was a good guy, but that sort of made them look at me like I was harboring a fugitive or something. Being out-numbered, and in the obvious minority I didn't push the issue but filed it away for reference.


I definitely appreciate the G&F officers and the work they do, and definitely would assist any of them if the tide was against them. I can only imagine the difficulty in being the only person for hundreds of miles to take care of the situations that arise in wildlife management.


Again. Not my intent to harass or condone intimidation of anyone. Maybe I should have just called him directly and told him what I heard instead of posting it.


Sorry to ruffle the flocks feathers....


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Guest firstcoueswas80

a4life, that sounds almost exactly like my hunt! the deer were about the same size, mine was the smaller one and he was a little smaller then ur smallest one. its kool when you get 2 down at a time!


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You were talking about 'those people', and that is also who I was referring to: the people with the gripe. I appologize for not making that more clear in my post. My words were not aimed at you. And after reading your conscientious reply I am even more convinced that you are one of the good guys.

Also, thanks for sticking up for Dana. I think I may have met him once - I am not sure. I don't have a personal connection with him, yet I believe all those guys need our support. It really buggs me (I guess y'all could tell) when people start slammin' our Game Dept.

Congratulations on your hunt!

My brother and I could have double killed once, then we decided to just take the bigger of the two bedded bucks (94"). Afterward, looking back, we were thinking it would have been a pretty darn neat experience to have taken both of those bucks. The other was in the mid 80's.



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I have taken some decent deer over the years but a serious slump has been hangin on me like the stink on a skunk. After about 4 years of nuthing but blisters on my feet, I broke that slump this year with a Wyoming Antelope and an AZ Coues. Coues have been my favorite to hunt since the challenge is quite high compared to other game.


I figured last year my scope was the problem after I missed 3 deer at 150-350 yards. My hunting partner told me that he knew something was wrong since I never shoot that bad. He pointed out that ever since I got that scope replaced 5 years earlier, I had not taken any big game. The Tasco silver antler was a replacement for a great 25 year old tasco I smashed in a fall while hunting. The new Tasco was just not enough for my 300 win mag and it's zero point sort of ratcheted up and left with every shot I took. Consequently my new 3-9x50 Leupold is leaps and bounds better. It takes the 300's kicking and keeps on hitting.



It was my first "double down" and the first time we both were successful on the same hunting trip. I even surprised myself by carrying the deer all the way back to the vehicle. A rugged hike of at least 2 miles that I didn't think I could do. Being an office worker, I was not sure I could carry one out as far back in off the beaten path as we were.


I am glad you were not tossing me in with the upset locals I wrote about. Didn't think it sounded like I was on their side, but hey, that just gives us both more typing practice stating and re-stating...


I have seen you post here quite a few times, and wonder why you don't register?


Anyway, the deer Roast was great again!.


Gotta go check ebay for a few goodies. :D Later








Venison is on the table, got to go for now... ;)

Edited by az4life

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Guest out4fun

Not looking for your prime spot. I have a 24a tag and have not seen a buck worth a shot yet. I did see that someone shot a nice buck up around El Capiton yesterday. Any ideas where I might go. az4life I am a native of arizona but this is only my second time chasing coues.

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Ive been takening my son out everyouter day and have seen bucks each time except friday the 12 when the fog was so thick you could not see . sounds like you need to spend more time behind you binosulars the deer are there . There just brushed up its been hot and they dont come out untell its allmost to dark to shoot . and in the morning they arent movening much .there not rutting yet . Where have you been hunting ? and how have you been hunting ?



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