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The Girls Get their First Coues! 2 GREAT BUCKS!

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This hunt started more than a year ago when My Wife and I decided to give Amy and Becky a Graduation Present! Amy and Becky are hunting maniacs and have been all their lives! They are great friends of ours and have helped TLO on Many Successfull Hunts over the years and have taken many great trophys their selves! But one thing they hadn't done is go on a Coues Deer hunt. ... I know I know... Tradgic.. :( lol! They had expressed intrest so we gave them a Fully Outfitted Coues deer hunt for their Graduation Present!


Well, you can ask the girls, it was a looooonng time coming! But We were able to get some Left Over Tags for them for Sothern Arizona and soon Opening day had arived and they were all set with all the Coues hunting gear they needed! And an excited determination to beat all, so we headed out to Make some Memories!


This is a phone picture I took of Amy and Becky while hiking in to a glassing spot opening morning!



After some close calls on some other good bucks, Becky connected on this great 3X4 buck right at sunset. After an intence stalk she tipped him over in his bed at about 280 yards with a well placed shot from my 7mm RUM!




An excited Becky pictured here with her sister Amy and their dad Ryan



It was a long pack out that night but well worth it! We were even visited by the BB helicopter and tried to bum a ride but they had work to do I guess. lol! ;) Beckys Buck Was the 6th buck we had seen that day.


The Next day was Amy's day to cary the big gun! I took this Pic of Amy while hiking into a glassing spot on the second morning.


After having her pass some bucks throughout the day I glassed up a shooter just befor sunset. As we got ready for the shot the buck knew something was up and began to sneek his way out of our lives. But Amy made an awesome 300 yard shot through the grass as the buck was just sliping out of sight! The 7MM RUM droped him in his tracks! It was a loong pack out that night too! but as always, well worth it! Amy's was the 10th buck we had seen that day.



Amy and her twin sister Becky


Amy and Lance



Awesome! Two Great (first) Coues bucks, in two Great Days, For Two Great Galls!


Congrats Again Girls and way to get the job done as usual! We're Very Proud of You! Thanks for the Memories!






PS......... I forgot to add a lil ending to the story,,,,,,,,,,,,,

When we got home the girls had their deer heads with cape on in a large cooler in the back of the truck. That night a dog jumped into the back of the truck and opened the cooler and took the heads out!!!!!!!! :( Amy's was left behind and Becky's was gone!!!!!!!! :ph34r: :unsure: :angry:


Well, this isnt the first time a head has gone missing in the area and so the dog was quickly tracked down and the head found found in the back yard of a house down the road. :angry:


This dang dog has draged off heads before but gettig in the back of a truck and getting a cooler open is just out of controol! :angry: Becky was VERRY SAD for a while thinking her beautiful first Coues buck was gone forever............ :( It was a little chewed up but at least she has it back now..

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Way awesome!!

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Congrats for two great bucks.

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