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Unit 31 Muley?

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A friend of mine was lucky enough to get drawn this year. Unfortunately it was for Mule Deer! He asked me for a little advice, knowing that I've hunted in Unit 31 numerous times, however it's always been a hunt for the elusive Coues. He's been scouting a few times around the O bar O without alot of luck. I thought perhaps, since he's not looking to stealing any of our favorite Coues hunting spots, that some might be kind enough to give me a few directions to point him toward. Thanks!

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Since you're not asking Coues secrets in 31, OK ;) ----Battle Mtn/FS road 672 area is very good for Mulies, its NW of Ft. Grant. Mostly state land, but a few chunks of private.

The Van Valor, President and KH Canyon areas off the same road are all good.

From I-10 to 266, west of 191, is all good area to check out, as is the Monk Draw/Dial Wash area. From Gillespie Wash east to 191 on 266 (Stockton Pass) use to hold alot of Mulies--right at the Gillespie area is a transition, or crossover area that you may find Mulies and Coues.


I'm sure there are alot of good areas to the north in the unit, but I never hunted there.


I'm strictly a Coues hunter, so your mileage may vary--but these are areas that I have seen NICE Mulies in the past.

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