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Guest super jumbo

crazy year for jumbos

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Guest super jumbo

Hey there ,i am new to this site,and wanted to jump in on the action.I can't get enough of these coues deer,and i love looking at the pics on this site.We(my family) have taken some good bucks in the past with many bucks taken over 110,including a 130 giant.This year was the year of the slaughter on some giant bucks.Congrats to all the hunters involved.We also had an exceptional year this year as we went 4 for 4 on big bucks.This was all a result of scouting,then scouting again,and last but not least scouting more.The first buck my little brother(17) harvested on the juniors hunt ,just after harvesting a 374 bull with his bow.It scores 112 plus.The other three deer scored 115, 125,and we were able to finish out with a 109 plus buck all in 4 days.I would rather be lucky than good ,and the luck was shining down in droves.I love when these little deer cooperate,and stand where they are supposed to.I dont have pics to load yet,but i am working on it.Once again congrats to all the lucky hunters that killed big bucks this year,and i am happy to be here on this site.Keep the eye candy rolling on the big buck pics please.I cant wait to see more giants taking dirt naps in december!!

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Congrats on a great coues hunt, and welcome to the site. I look foward to your pic's.



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Guest super jumbo

Not trying to tease,i will have cpugsie load some pics for me very soon,cause i dont know how to load them.These deer we just harvested were "tight taped" at these scores .I think they would actually be bigger when officialy scored.

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Welcome aboard "superjumbo". I knew it would only be a matter of minutes before someone wants to see your pics! You can't go posting around here with big numbers like you mentioned without photos!!! It's cause for a pile on! LOL! I can tell everyone that you will see the pics as soon as they are sent to me. These guys know coues and how to hunt them. I wouldn't say that they are lucky at all...(we'll maybe a little) but they just spend more time in field year around than anyone I know. Scouting scouting scouting and more scouting. That's how they get it done. Welcome aboard Dave! By the way, the buck in my avatar is a direct result of Dave and his brothers scouting! That's Dave's arm holding up my bucks head. Thanks guys.

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As promised! Here's over 460 inches of coues whitetail from one family! Congratulations Adam, Jason, Mark and Ron and of course super jumbo himself, "Dave" WOW!!!














Group Photo!


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I just found my new hunting buddy.jk. LOL.... Big congrats on some trophy bucks...



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Guest super jumbo

Thanks cpugsie for loading the pics.I might as well introduce my brother jason ,since he is the one of the pics.He shot the 124-125 buck on saturday of the opener.The shot was 470 yards ,and he smashed him with a 300 weatherby.The next day ron (the sniper) pulled the rug out on his dandy 109 at 450 plus yards.Then on monday evening we glassed my dad's buck(115 gross) at 4:30 pm ,and he was taking a dirt nap by 5:30.My little brother adam ,shot his buck at 390 yards with the 3hundo.Some of you might notice the hole in the antler ?That was from a follow up shot .Amazing the antlers didn't blow off.We had found all the bucks prior to the hunt ,and i feel very blessed that they all cooperated so well.Thanks ron for letting all 4 of the bucks meet your super dialed in 300 weatherby.

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Wow!! those are all fantastic deer, I thought that was a bullet hole. That's got to be one of the best groups of bucks taken by one family in a season. Good work.

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