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fun 2010 season

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Mule deer pics


Well it was a nice year for mule deer for our family and friends. It started off by a good friends daughters 20a juniors hunt. Brittany has had one other expierience with hunting deer and that was a kaibab doe hunt in which she was sucessful. So this year she was gunning for a buck. We got up early and arrived to our spot a little later than wanted but we got there just as some does and a spike were exiting our parking spot. We tried for the spike but he slipped into the timber before she could shoot. We decided to take a trip down the ridge to see what we could find and we came across this little buck. He finally stopped at about 120 yards and she made a great shot and down went her first buck. Up next was mine and brittany's moms deer hunt in 19a. I had my heart set on a coues and tracy had her heart set on any buck, but my camera was stolen the weekend before season in our coues spot so i went to plan B with mule deer. Opening morning we saw quite a few bucks but never could get close enough for a good shot for tracy. We split up in the evening and i headed up the hill to glass when i heard the brush break in front of me and caught a few flashes of antler. I ran to the top in time to see this guy and his little brother crest the opposite ridge long enough to give me a 391 yard shot, he went down in a heap. Saturday morning tracy got her chance on the same ridge with my gun due to a malfunction with hers, and she anchored her first buck at 340 yards. All in all it was a great hunt..... Daniel

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