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Symmetrical 3 pt.

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It was a fun hunt in an old favorite area, but finally working my way to a canyon I always wanted to hunt. The first four days in there i saw a good number of bucks, never seeing fewer than two a day. Usually I never hunted this far of the beaten path to help my dad and brother out. this year my brother stayed close to dad and i went of on my own. On the 5th morning I started off with seeing 5 bucks at first light and watched one for a while till i could figure out what he was. This was going to be my last day out there for my dad needed to get back in town (60 years old with 2 artificial knees i think he was just done). So when i finally got a good look at the one buck I saw that he was a decent 3pt and decided to put a stalk on him. While packing up my gear for the stalk this guy snuck in behind me. It was a quick decision and a easy shot so I went with it. I haven't taped him yet but he has a good looking set and the memories of the whole weekend out weigh the concern for an exact score. Side notes, my dad and brother came back empty handed but we all had a good time. My brother also likes to tease of how big my pack is but it came in very handy for the 2 mile pack out.


Also who could forget to add some good ol Arizona sunset pictures.





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Great buck. I would have shot him in a heart beat.....



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  RAM said:
Great buck. I would have shot him in a heart beat.....

Heck yes! Great buck, congrats! Love the sunset pic.

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glad to see that softball to the eye didn't affect your aim! good buck buddy. last deer of urs i saw was a nice 3, loks like you know that unit pretty well!




x-raided 3rd baseman

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nice looking buck

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Guest 300ultramag.

great buck.. its a good feeling getting off the beaten path.. more sheds game etc.


good job

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