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small 3 x 3 ......

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I start heading down south thursday morning. On the way there I have seen more members of the forum (white trucks some of them with rv's behind them). I got to the spot and me and my friend start unpacking and setting up our camping staff and after that we start going up on the mountain to do some glassing but we haven't seen any bucks.

Friday first day of the hunt we start hiking about 3 miles and set up my swarovski's and start glassing all day long. We haven't see any buck but we have seen over 20 does.


Second day of the hunt my friend saw a spike at around 770 yards... but didn't got the chance to shot because he was moving to fast. After the hunt we went in town to get some more food and we met a member of the forum (vegasjeep) He told us to go try other mountains.... We went back to the camp stayed there one more morning and if we don't see any bucks we go to the other mountain.


Sunday we start packing and move our camping to other spot. We got to the new spot around 1 pm and we start hiking the mountains. I got up there and i start glassing. I have seen 3 does and around 5;30 pm i saw the small buck at around 380 yards. He start moving and finally he stop at 426 yards I got my rifle and I shot. I shot him between the rack ( i didn't want to make that shot but i had the wrong bullet 150gr.) I have set up my scope for 168gr a-max. Couple pictures of the buck. Is not a big buck but hopefully next year i will do my homework better and I hope I will do better.

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WOW I bet he dropped in his tracks. No meat wasted congrats.

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nice buck and actually when we hunted 31 last weekend we found a shed that was 3x_ (only found 1 side) was even smaller than that. i will try to get a picture of it and post it. main beam was maybe 6-8" and each point that came off was 2-3" one of the smallest 3X_ i've ever seen

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Thank you for all the positive comments. I learn that EVERY BUCK is A GOOD BUCK.


I had couple picture but i have received an e'mail from a member(I guess they are too graphic). I will not say his name but here is what i have received from the other member.

First off let me say big congrats on your coues buck. I also wanted to mention that it is my belief that the graphic nature of your pics are a favorite of anti-hunters to rally their cause of people feeling sorry for the animals that we love so much to hunt. I could be way off here and forgive me if I am but those pics are pretty bad.



I try to post some pictures tonight that doesn't show it that much

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Great deer!! It is a shame that we have to be so careful about what we are sharing with our friends, but in this day and age you never know what can be fuel for the anti's fire. I think yo made the right call by pulling the pics. By the way kudos on the shot as well. I bet it was an easy tracking job.

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here are couple pics.. if you guys think they are to graphic i will take them out. He dropped like a rock :D but It took me 15 min to get to it..













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