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More hunters ???

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Ok is it just me or did it seem like there was alot more hunters out this year. I mean they were everywhere we had a nice spot picked out for camp got there on thursday and opening mourning it seemed like a major highway we had people hunting 100 yards from our camp. I have come to realize that if you dont take a deer opening day its better to leave and come back on like tuesday cause the deer disapear its really frustrating oh well



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We had people all over as well. Never seen that many before. You got to love the guys that show up about 0830, and start hiking all over the place. Our deer are on the ground by the time they were getting out of bed.

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I noticed a lot more people around this year too. There were people in a lot of spots I had never seen a truck in the past few years.

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Could be due to AZGFD's Quantity over Quality program which tended to increase the number of early season permits by cutting December permit numbers. Also hunters may have more friends these days helping, thus increasing the number of people in the field. More people may have ATVs which allow them to penetrate further on bad roads.

In 1996, there were 450 permits for the October WT hunt in unit 33. This year there are 670. But in unit 34A, October permits have gone from 1000 down to 650, and there are 100 less in 36B. So it may depend on which unit you are in. 36C is still 200.

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A few years ago the AZGF also had muley and coues tags at the same time in some units. There were more people out this early hunt then when they had both hunt on a few years ago.

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Where I hunted this year was my time hunting the area but I saw very few people. I did see a lot of them driving and glassing from the road. And like was sayed before people hiking in at 8 or 9. With coffee cups in hand. Though I did bump a nice buck right into some road hunters. I got scunked but I hunted hard for 5 days long hikes glassing all day no where near the road every day I was at a glassing spot well before sun up. Just goofy weather. But I'm proud of my effort and I had a blast.


Those road hunter got that buck. I when over the them to meet them and check him out. He was bigger than the 109in dead head I found scouting

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Some people just get lucky. I would rather get a spike that I hunted up than get a 100in that was pushed to me if I was road hunting.

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I'm content. I nearly had a shot at him from 125y standing broad side but for only about 4 sec. And my long range rig is a little acward off my knees.


I'm still waiting so see that buck show up on here but I totaly for got to ask if they were members.

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It's all about increasing tags and decreasing success rates to kill the same amount of deer, and make more $. Plain and simple.




And then it becomes combat hunting...too many hunters, everybody jockeying for position and everybody is pissed off at everybody else...bad for the sport IMO

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I was aware of that situation now for the past 2 years. Game and fish is facing budget cuts and they need all money they can, I am probably being very bold in what im saying but there is some truth to it im sure. I haven’t put in for a Coues Oct hunt in about 4 years now I always try of course the rut hunt and if that doesn’t work pick up an left over Nov hunts. Nov hunts are really not that bad as far as hunters.

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It's all about increasing tags and decreasing success rates to kill the same amount of deer, and make more $. Plain and simple.




And then it becomes combat hunting...too many hunters, everybody jockeying for position and everybody is pissed off at everybody else...bad for the sport IMO


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I was up on the Kaibab helping out for the early hunt last weekend. There were people everywhere. Lots and lots of road hunters, but once we hiked in a ways, the people thinned out. Lots of small bucks being shot. Kinda bothers me (even though it shouldnt) that small bucks are shot. Little forked horns.............Allen...........

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I try to do my best to find areas that most hunters won't walk to or can not drive to. It is very frustrating to see hunters on every ridge. 31 and 32 are bad for that due to access. All you can do is get up earlier than the rest of the hunters and get ahead of them.

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