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Deer Activity

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Hi, I'm new here and have been hunting coues for just a few years now. I am from New Mexico. I have rifle hunted for the last three years and seen some nice bucks, but I never see that many on the rifle hunts. This year I tried muzzleloader hunting in late september. I saw a lot more deer this year then I have any other year. I missed a decent buck that was around 80". I also saw a deer that was around 100" but couldnt get a shot, always too far. I also saw one monster as well. Normally during the rifle hunts i only see one one or two does and one or two bucks. It seemed like there was a lot more activity during the muzzleloader season, and I was wondering if this is typical, or if anyone else has noticed this.



Edited by NMTcoueshunter

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Nathan, I've hunted the NM Muzzleloader hunt once and saw more deer than I have on the rifle hunts. I thought it was due mainly to less hunting pressure. Also some of the bucks were still in their bachelor herds.



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