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My dad always told me they were coues pronounced cows, but everybody I talked to said yea I know but I call them cooze, so I did too, I could care less, but cooze does seem to sound better. This year I am hunting mule deer, and I think I got that pronunciation down, I hope.

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Coues deer Pronounciation:

"Coos" if you are talkin to a fellow Az hunter.

"Cows" if you are talking to an educated biologist like Amanda. (This really impresses her.)

I like what an old Alaskan said when I spoke to him in Unit 32 once: He said he really liked hunting the "little cutes deer".

Mule deer pronunciation: "Carp" (because they are bottom feeders).

Big Horn Sheep: "Cliff Carp" (because they can suck a living off of a rock).

Cattle: "Range Maggotts" (for reasons obvious).

Proghorn Antelope: "Anti-Lopers" (because they prefer to run).

Javalina: "Have-a-Lina" (what the heck is a Lina?)


Note: Be careful using the "Cliff Carp" term around the elite, well to do, Sheep Society folks. They get really offended if they think you are diss'ing the object of their worship.


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Guest Ernesto C

Mike,you are correct when you said to use the term "cows" when talking to Amanda...........in one ocasion I said "coos deer" in front of her,man she almost beat me up!! :lol: ....................no just kidding but she did correct me and say: hey,cows deer".............I said yes mam you are the boss :huh: :D


Ernesto C


Treat every firearm as if it is loaded

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I usually just call them DINNER!, of course that was when I had a good luck streak going and killed one every year!!! If I went to work and told everyone that I was hunting "cows" I would have some mad employees, of course when I say cooz, they all want to know what the heck that is! :huh: , YOu say tomato I say tomahto, who really cares?!!! AG

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I said yes mam you are the boss  :huh:  :D


to her too!



Isn't that one of the things your wife likes you to say to her? :lol: :D

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Whoa Roady! As Az4life would say, back up the Chuck Wagon!


IF............Amanda says "COWS", then that is the gospel!


Enerneto, please lead us in prayer.




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Guest Ernesto C
I said yes mam you are the boss? :huh::D


to her too!



Isn't that one of the things your wife likes you to say to her? :lol: :D


Marlon,in my house I am the man that says the last word period!........................Yes honey we'll do it your way. :D

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Ernesto are you trying to say you wear the pants in your family,


Because she says so.

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