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but it does tell me that the person who said it has had very little to no experience with these wonderful little deer.





I am curious as to why you would think so especially from your experience. It takes an intelligent person to be able to call the deer by their correct name and know where the name orginally came from. Quite to the contrary, the people I associate with are well versed in the art of hunting the small deer and do call them by their "correct" name. :blink:

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Sorry, "cows deer" sounds a little silly to me. You can call them what you want but I'll make fun of you if you say "cows".? It's almost no different than those out here who count eye-guards or all points together when identifying a coues. We're in the Southwest, it's a 3x3 (not counting eye-guards). NOT an 8 point!



Agree completely on both counts. I say three-pointer and cooz, and I don 't give a twit what they do back east or if Dr. Elliot Coues pronounced his name like the bovines.


When I first started hunting them in 1948 as a boy they were simply "whitetails" to most Arizona hunters. Those who had some experience outside the state called them "Arizona whitetails" (and so did the Boone & Crocket Club.)


It was in the 1960s and early 1970s that we and everyone else started calling them "desert whitetails." We even had a club we called the "Record Desert Whitetail Club." The B&C minimum for desert whitetails was 100 points net and we had to shoot a record buck to join the club. We were automatically kicked out for shooting a whitetail buck smaller than 100 points or a mule deer of any size. I lasted just one season, and was drummed out because I shot a mule deer.


About the same time B&C raised its minimum it changed its title of its listing to "Coues white-tailed deer," following the scientific name Odocoileus virginianus couesi.


It sounds stupid to me everytime I hear someone say "cows' deer" but it does tell me that the person who said it has had very little to no experience with these wonderful little deer.




Bill, Thanks for your post :) No matter what everybody else calls them I'am with you on this one. COOZ DEER...........Once again thank you for postin on this great site, really enjoy readin them :blink:

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One more thing....I'am glad the record is set stright :blink:

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i call em deer with white tails,i also call it a good hunt,and cant wait till i can hunt em again regardless of what the "correct" name is i call em cooz.no offense.i love em just the same

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I believe that Dr. Elliot Coues was not originally pronounced "cowz' but "cowse" the same way one would pronounce dowse as in "dowse the fire". Irregardless I still call them "cooz" and I'm going to have to go with Bill on this one. Everytime I hear someone prounounce it the way Dr. Elliot pronounced his I figure they're not from around here, and are probably not big Coues hunters. Just my preception.



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COWS for me. Thanks Bill and Scott. Here I am a native Arizonan and have been hunting these deer since I was a little kid. I made a personal decision about 10 years ago to pronounce them correctly. CB

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Guest Reynaldo de la Torre
I understand the correct pronunciation is "cows" , but anytime I say that to people they give me a funny look and then say  "Oh ,you mean coos" . I am just curios, how most of you on this board pronounce the name?


The late great Jack O'Connor said it was pronounced "cows". Cows it is.

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My neighbor is from France and teached French at NAU and she said coo, and the s is not pronounced since it is not between the vowels. If so, then it would be "coo-suh". Then she said I could say "coos" if in doubt.


I asked another French teacher and she said said "coos" with an s, not z , nor like cow.


Maybe like most Americans, he could not pronounce a foreign language name and bastardized it. My name Koepsel (said with a short e) is not pronounced like it would be in Germany.



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I always called em "coos". I don`t think I a will start calling em by any other name in the near future either! I don`t really care how to pronounce it correctly it just sounds a lot better to me. Coues Addict



P.S. ''Cows Addict'' I don`t think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I say both, my dad taught me when i was young the correct way was COWS, but very few people know what I mean, so I say Cows deer, Coos Deer. I really don't care and just because you may pronounce MOGOLLON something different than muggy own, doesn't mean your wrong, just not native muggy ownian. :)

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That is very interesting. Sounds like all of us may be pronouncing it incorrectly. Red Rabbits post seems to correlate with yours as well. Looks like the correct pronunciation is either "cuse" or "cowse" like "grouse".


I will continue to use cooz because that sounds best in my opinion.

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I guess I'll jump in on this one too. I pronounce it "cows". I haven't been hunting them as long as most of you, but I sure enjoy the whole thing. Right or wrong I'm not sure. I was born in Texas and moved out here when I was 10. It does bother me when I hear people say "Pee cos" instead of Pecos and "Ro day o" instead of Rodeo. So what came first the chicken or the egg?!?




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I call em' whitetails! As for the larger eastern version "Eastern Whitetail".



Simple Enough.


When someone asks you what you got drawn for, whats your answer?


"I drew a Whitetail tag down in 33"




"I drew a coues whitetail tag in game managment unit 23"


There ya go!



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I call them "tasty" and every once in awhile coues whitetail deer. :)

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