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Good week of calling

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Last week Scott and I got out for some stands before work to get some more filming done and had five fox called in on three stands we killed three on video.



Then had a great time on the APC novice hunt. Calling in a bunch of grey's


Also had some time to do alittle calling and rack up more points for the NPHA contest




Then yesterday took out the new .17 fireball and on it's maiden voyage at the 2 minute mark on the first stand a double comes in and The Model Seven puts down it's first critter. I was impressed with the performance on the coyote. No fur damage and the coyote went straight down with the shot.


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nice job

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Nice job, you guys are out of control. I wanted to make the APC hunt but the girlfriend had her first rifle cow elk hunt. Trapper time coming up too!

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