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Kade's first buck

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After years of anxiously waiting my oldest son Kade finally turned 10, passed his hunters saftey, and drew a youth deer and javelina tag! We spent all summer practicing shooting rabbits and prarie dogs and by the time the hunt rolled around Kade could hit a 10 inch steel gong every time out to 600 yards. He was ready!


The first weekend we went out with Blake Lanoue (Thanks Blake!) to an area we had scouted and after a little while behind the glass Blake spotted a herd of pigs on a point about a mile away. Since Kade had tags for both deer and javelina we hurried down after them. We were able to get less than 200 yards twice, but because of the steep angle and awkward shooting position Kade missed... twice!


After a few days of rest Kade and I were at it again. This time we would haul all our gear in with us on the quad and plan on spending the night on the mountain so we wouldn't have to waste time traveling in the dark. Our first night back we glassed up 6 does and one real nice buck but with light fading fast and the buck being 3/4 of a mile away we would have to hope we could find him in the morning. As the light faded we packed our gear on the quad to go find a flat spot to camp. Just as I had everything put away and secured with tie-downs Kade spotted a deer about a hundred yards away moving towards us. I confirmed that it was a buck and hesitantly began un-strapping our gear so I could get to the gun case. I knew there was no way the buck would stick around long enough with the noise and movement to actually get a shot, but I had to try. As I was hurrying to get to the gun Kade kept telling me the buck was walking right towards us getting closer and closer. Finally the gun was out and as I was loading a round in the chamber Kade asked... "Why does he keep walking straight to us?" I just responded... "Because he's going home with us!" At that point the buck was less than a hundred yards away crossing the two track quad trail in front of us. The rifle was rested securely on the bi-pod, Kade had him in the scope and I gave Kade the go ahead... BOOM - THWACK! Kade ran the bullet perfectly into the point of the shoulder, through the lung, heart, and liver before exiting the other side. Kade had his first buck and his smile on his face says it all!!!











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Fa-nominal Tim and Kade. :D

Way to go guys and Tim my friend,

Bet it was the best hunt ever for you ;)

11 is my favorite # Kade :lol:

Great first buck.

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Good shootin' Kade!! Congrats on your first big game animal. There will be lots more for sure.




You should have told everyone about the hike involved with those pigs. I am pretty sure after that day I had a great idea of what sheep hunting is like!! :lol: :lol:

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