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A Good Day!

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We went out to do little calling while scouting for deer this weekend. On the way in to our spot we found a set of cat tracks in the same place I killed a cat last Febuary. We decided to call the same exact stand as before. It is a very narrow clearing on the side of a creek. At about the 15min mark I see a cat step out of the brush about 10ft from my hunting partner. He couldn't see the cat in the thick brush, and I had no shot. The cat turned and left after just a few seconds. About a minute later, I caught movment at the top of the wash about 20yds in front of me. Another cat! It was hard to make him out through the brush, but I was finally able to pick him out. When I was pretty sure he wasn't comming in any closer, I decided to shoot him. I shot 3 times, since the brush was so thick. I was sure I had hit him good. With a little tracking from my buddy we found him about 20yds away. I decided its not a good idea to shoot through the brush with a shoutgun. We forgot the camera, so the pics had to wait till we got home.






On our 3rd stand later in the day, we called from a small mesquite flat in a big nasty canyon. We setup with the call on the edge of a steep wash. I setup facing the wash, and my buddy was facing the hill with the wash at his back. Less than a minute into the cottontail dist a big male fox ran up out of the wash right next to my buddy. He waited for it to get out in front of him a ways, and then rolled him over with a load of lead BB's. I switched to fox dist, and in less than 30sec he was turned aiming down in the wash. I didn't see the fox untill she was right on top of the call. As soon as she cleared the call, he got her too. That was a pretty good day for us! Three stands, and 3 kills.







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Nice Hunt.

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