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Courtney's 2010 buck

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Courtney and I had another great hunt together. With the help of her cousin Anthony, we found this neat non-typical buck at 720 this morning. Court made a great 296 yard shot with her new 264 win mag that we had built. The pictures really don't do it justice. We were hanging on a pretty steep side of a hill. We named him Captain Hook. His one main does a nasty hook along his face and the main on the three point side hooks downward at the tip.








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That is weird looking buck! Is that sack from the velvet? Good hunt and good shot!

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Here's a few pictures of the horns. The black part is actually hard horn that he didn't get the velvet off. I'm thinking when I make a european mount out of it, the velvet will come off and I can stain it.


Brent and Courtney







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Very cool!! Don't forget to send this link to Doug (dkoepsel@aol.com) so that she is entered in the Coues buck Contest.


Congratulations Courtney! That's a really cool looking buck and nice shooting!

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congrats way to get it done!



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WOW that is something you don't see everyday!!! Congrats

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