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galiuro mountain man

december hunters

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Guys- my hunting buddy just called to say that he killed a buck this afternoon. He shot at a big one but settled for a less big one. Saw several bucks together. Weather cooled back off and things are looking up. I can hardly wait for Christmas (so I can go back out- not open presents).


How's it looking out East, Scott?


I'll get him to post a photo when he gets back to town.



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It was another productive day. I was able to locate the rutting Coues deer that I spotted on Friday. There were 2 bucks in the group. Unfortunately neither were shooters, a high 70's 3x3 and a high 90's 3x3. I decided to let 'em walk and continue looking. Also glassed up 10 bulls way off in the distance. I'm going to another area tomorrow with a buddy of mine, we'll see what we find there.





Here's a monster shed we found :)




This a photo of the bigger of the two bucks. The photo is a little fuzzy. I had the sun directly at my back so I couldn't get a shaded background for the antlers to contrast with. If you look at the bucks shadow you can see the antler size.




Here's another photo that shows the buck a little clearer.




The ridge the Coues bucks were on.




Lastly I thought I'd throw this one in of the buck doing the instinctive lip curl.



p.s Glad you like the dail log Jason. Dennis, still not a lot of rut activity. These bucks were rutting but the does weren't ready. Tommy if you were here you'd already have your buck down. Get well soon!!!!!!!!

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Guest Ernesto C

Hey Scott you have to print out all this postings and put them together with your excellent pictures in your personal photo album. We love you man, please keep going out, I can,t wait for January. Thank you and God bless you.


Ernesto C.

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Thanks guys! I enjoy posting the journal and keeping you guys fired up. I only hunted half a day today, I had some things to take care of this afternoon. I went with a friend today. He took me into an area where he chased a big buck last year. He never was able to connect then and neither were we today, although the big buck is still calling the area home. We did however glass up a lot of does, 12 to be exact and 1 spike buck. I wasn't able to photograph the buck because we spooked him from under where we were glassing and he was tearing up the ground getting out of there. I'm heading back out in the morning and possibly spending the night. I know, I know it's Christmas Eve, but the family's off in Texas with the in-laws so I'm home alone with nothing to do but pursue monster Coues bucks. :)


This was one of the does we spotted. She was hanging tight out of the wind.


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Went back into 27 monday and tuesday. Still no rut. Seen lots of does, and 4 bucks including a huge coues buck that we estimated at 115-120 inches. But he was 800 yards away with a huge canyon between us. So we left him alone so we can go back with a friend that has a rifle tag.

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Really enjoy hearing and seeing the pictures from everyone, first time poster long time lurker here...love coues deer...this website is wonderful amanda great job.

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Hey guys,

I'm getting ready to leave tomorrow night up to 32 for the last weekend of the hunt. One of my hunting partners got a nice 4x3 on Monday. He's been able to stay up there for a couple weeks and knows the place really well. I'm very excited to get back up there and shoot my first coues buck. Good luck to everybody and have a merry Christmas!

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Congratulations Mike Udall on killing that buck!!!!!

I finally had a doe and fawn come into my tree stand over a good scrape. They stayed there within 35 yds for 2 hours! At one point the fawn was under my tree within 15 feet looking at me. The doe was alerted twice from my movement and stomped her feet to try and make me move. It was good to have them there as a buck attractant - but none showed. Got a few pics.

Helped me to realize that when glassing for deer and having a hard time finding them - they are probably loligagging under someone's tree blind!

Congrats again, Mike. That is an awesome feat!


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Well I'm finally finding some time to give everyone an update on yesterday's hunt.

It started out well when I spotted some rutting mule deer. There was nice big 3-point and a small 2-point dogging a doe. I usually watch these for a little while because more than once I've found a whitetail buck lurking nearby, and I wasn't disappointed this time. Within mere feet of the muleys, I located a small 3-point Coues buck lurking in the shadows. Here are some photos.


Small 2-point muley.



Big 3-poiny muley.



Small 3-point Coues buck.



After watching a little longer and spotting some more muleys and 2 Coues does, I directed my attention to a ridge further out. I hadn't been glassing it long when I noticed a doe run out from behind a tree with a very nice Coues buck close on here tail. Man, he looked good but was too far out even for my 30x80 Docters to tell how good. I figured the only way to tell was to hike over there. If he was good enough I'd kill him if not I'd just watch and see if any other bucks were nearby.


While hiking over there I twisted my foot and slightly reinjured it where I hurt in while hunting the Kaibab last month. I continued on and ran across 2 of what look like matching Coues sheds. The left was a 4-point and the right antler was a 3-point. That took my mind off my foot and I continued with my stalk.





As I topped the rise and searched for the deer, there they were!! The big buck was moving through the trees, trailing the doe and they were coming up to a clearing. I set up my binoculars and shot a quick photo through them then grabbed my rifle, cranked the scope up to 20 and waited for the deer to enter the clearing. As the buck stepped clear of the trees I settled the crosshairs behind his shoulder. I studied his antlers and thought "Should I shoot or wait?" My finger slower started squeezing the trigger.



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