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I found this article on the King Outdoor World Website:


Pope & Young Changes % Let-Off Rule! -posted 12/04/03

Pope & Young Club has voted to override the 65% let-off rule for all potential entries.

The proposal called for a change to the Records Program, whereby the Club would begin accepting entries harvested by compound bows that have let-off greater than 65% (provided they are legal, in the state/province where used, AND meet the Club's remaining definition of a hunting bow). Any record book entry with a compound bow exceeding 65% in let-off will be listed with an asterisk (*) in the Records and in the record books. The proposal also called for the production of a periodic, specialty book that would contain only animals harvested with "traditional" bows (recurve bows, longbows and self bows), in addition to them being listed in the all-time record books.



About time in my opinion!



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I agree. It is about time. It is hard to find a bow on the market today with 65% let off. At least one that I like to shoot. My Mathews has a 65% setting and I have tried to shoot with it set at that. I am not as accurate as I am with the higher let off. There seems to be no valley.

Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard



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Its a shame that P.Y. hase given in to the archery industery,

And so many have forgotten what bowhunting is all about, And the

rest never learned it!!

Its clear now that we have less bowhunters (BOWMEN) hunting,

And more hunters (rifle hunters) hunting with archery equipment,




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I guess it was just a matter of time before P&Y would give in to the archery industry. Personally I shoot a 60% let off bow and find it difficult to shoot a bow with a let off above 65%.

Arizona Griz.

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Why care about all this stuff? Isnt hunting about being in the outdoors, being with friends and family, getting away, the love of nature, and the memories the outdoors bring? Then I ask again, why care about this stuff? You know what, this is just my opinion but, if all you worry about is the rules to what is considered a trophy buck, or who is a real "bowman" and who isnt, you have lost sight of what it meens to do this kind of stuff like hunting. In my experience if all I look for is the perfect buck or bull it isnt as much fun as if I just go out and see what I can. Most of the time I see bigger animals when Im not focusing on seeing the "big one". You know it was good info to know and I think it is great, but is this what hunting is about???

Good luck everyone

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GMM, I couldn't agree with you more BUT if hunters choose to take hunting to the next level specifications, rules and regulations need to be followed. I am a committee member to a record book program and If there were hunters that did not care about the above then there would be no record book programs for hunters, even non-hunters to read and learn from. Heck maybe there wouldn't even be forum sites like this one. Everyone would be talking about generalities. I am not raining on your parade but there is room in the hunting world for specific rules and regulations as well as the good old fashion value of hunting.

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Hey Griz, all I was getting to was the rules were going to change eventually, and people are making a big fuss about it. I do agree there has to be rules.


I didnt put this on here to make anyone mad, It is very good info. All I have to say is things change.


Good luck everyone

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