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new string break in

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i just had new winners choice strings and cables put on my Mathews dxt and i have been noticing more shock, noise, and it just doesn't feel right compared to the factory strings should it get smoother as the string breaks in i have only shot about 20 arrows through it.

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I would check all the specs on it to make sure they are where they should be. Also, check your draw weight. It will probably be higher than with your old string and cable. That might be what you are feeling.

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thanks it seems like its getting better but the only problem i am having now is the string is jumping around the string suppressor i have had the bow for two years and i have never seen it do that until i had this string put on

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There shouldnt be any break in needed with a WC string. Sounds like something isnt quite in spec.

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Hopefully you get it all squared away quickly. Once you confirm it is all set up right those string should be stable.


I usually have to do a 1/2 a twist 6-9 months after install. ( I think shooting in 100+ temps is the cause).


WC have eliminated a lot of tuning headaches I had previously with stock matthews strings.


The other thought I had is because the string is made from different material than your previous string it may be lighter and or slightly thinner or thicker and that may a source of the change in sound at the shot.



Good luck


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Check your string suppressors they wear out and the string jumps around them also check your cam timing and tiller.

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is it jumping around the top or bottom suppressor? typically if they are jumpin the suppressors the bow isnt in spec, the string and cable dont have enough twist and the ata is long and the brace height is a little short allowing the string to push harder on the suppressor. winners choice are going to have a little more vibration in the bow because they dont stretch as much at the shot and absorb the energy as the factory barricuda string does. With that said it doesnt stretch near as much as the factory string.

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i took it up to archery headquarters and they got it straightened out it was a combination of a few things on top of the string suppressors getting a little worn out i should have shot it when i picked it up after getting the string put on and they would have gotten it fixed right then but i was in a hurry.

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