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I'm not surprised that Peta people tossed a pie at Vogue's editor for wearing fur.


What would surprise me would be if the Vogue editor defended hunting and hunters.


I'm not holding my breath.



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The eidtor should figure out an angle to give PETA some free publicity.


Ya know, about the PETA staff that kept killing and dumping dead dogs and cats in the shopping center dumpster.

PETA needs to review it own ethical treatment for animals!


Maybe we could hook up PETA and that Tapia woman. Keep them all in the same rubber room. All of them are 3/4 of a bubble off in my book.

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"Wintour is fur-bearing animals worst enemy" These people have obviously never been to this sight! :) B) This is why I carry concealed, I would consider a cream pie to be deadly force and would respond in kind :)

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grizzly, do you know what would happen if you pulled a gun on a peta mamber in paris, france. Well let me tell you the whole country would surrender and then what would you do, you would have to tell everyone in that country to quit whining or else, I am sure there would be u.n. sanctions against you, there would be arms inspectors to see if you really had bullets in your gun, and they would report it back to the u.n., and then there would be more sanctions, and you would basically have to run that country for the rest of your life, because they would never do anything to stop you.

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Well I do have some German in my heritage so maybe I have found my lifes calling! :)

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