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In my experience a scouting trip to the area is always priceless. I know it's a long way to the Kaibab but I bet the effort would be worth it. Getting familiar with the roads and finding potential camping spots is always easy to do when you scout. Finding critters is always nice too! I always camped out of my truck so can't help you with a trailer, but if you get up there earlier than most, you should be able to find a spot fairly easily.


I hope your buddy has a good time up there. The Kaibab is a magical place. One of my favorite places in Arizona for sure!



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Tons of places up there. Depends on if he wants to hunt on top or down lower. couple miles before you get to jacob lake lodge on the left is a road that goes into an open area that he could get his trailer into easily. Up on top towards cooper ridge there are some really open areas............AT.........

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If you google earth the area, the open spots by the roads stick out like a sore thumb. If you get there early, you should have no problem finding open spots.


Good luck to your friend. Pray for snow.

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