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Tough Hunt

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Yes. The elk you shoot are usually at the end of the blood trail. ;) Dead or alive. I believe that was your bull.


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Elk are very tough animals. I shot a spike last year right before dark. I waited until dark to look for my arrow and could not find it. My bull ran through the water after the shot, so I could not pick up an immediate blood trail either. I decided to wait until the morning since it was pretty cold that night. Here is the gnarly blood trail.







Believe it or not, my bull was STILL ALIVE the next morning. He had bedded up in the trees only 70 yards or so from where I first shot him. One more quick shot and it was over. I am sure glad I made the decision to wait. Had I not waited, I probably would have kicked him out of his bed and never found him.


Bottom line is they are very tough animals and even with a good hit, they can still stay alive a while. Keep up your search though. He will eventually lay down and if the hit is a good one, that will be his downfall. He will stiffen up and won't be able to get back up and moving.

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I agree with BML about layin down and not able to get back up. Be sure to move slow, stop and look ahead often. If he is still alive and you do bump him out of his bed it will probably be the last time you see him. keep at it!

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Sorry to hear about the unfortunate turn of events. If you think you got in the vitals, stay after it, he's dead somewhere. If you're not so sure, like Blake said, those critters can live a long, long time on a marginal hit.


Regardless of what happens in the end, keep your head up high. If you bowhunt long enough, something like this happens to everybody. It is clear that you have been putting in a tremendous effort on your hunt and recovery of the bull. There's no shame in that. I really do hope you find your bull!


Best of luck,



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If the bull you saw this morning was running with the cows, I would be surprised if its the same bull.


Check some of the water holes that are close by and see if you can pick up any blood there.

Also, take note of any characteristics that your elks tracks have (e.g, stride length, drag marks, which side has the most blood, etc) it might help distinguish them apart from the herd later


Also, since he crossed the road, are you in a diffrent unit now? If so, I would make sure that the local WM knows your tracking an elk and ask him what you should do if you require any follow up shots.

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Edited: if anybody that has offered or thinks they can swing by to help just pm me please for my location. I posted my location in the general forum without thinking (tired, wore out and beyond frustrated). Apolgies if that affected anyone - I know specifics are a no-no. Not tryin to scew anyone up just tryin like he'll to find my bull.

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I just got back to camp from gridding, circling and generally wander the area south of last blood purposefully walking through the nasty stuff tryin to find him buried in there somewhere. No luck. I was gonna plan to follow this mornings bulls tracks tomorrow hoping that if it is him and he's sick I'll find him dead hopefully. Met another great guy who offered to help and used to guide now just helps friends. He wanted to see the last blood. I showed him that and the big blood and he believes he's down somewhere. Just pure luck to find him though. He pointed out that the last big blood looked like he laid down and plugged up at least 1 hole. He pointed that all the blood after was on needles, bark and oak leaves which fell off his body after he plugged it - makes sense. He said he's never seen an animal loose that much blood and not be found. He also doesnt think this mornings bull is him- im still 50/50. He said he would come and walk the area on his own time to give it a go which is very cool. He also lent me his blood light to try that route. I'm gonna eat (only had Copenhagen and rockstar for nourishment today) then head back up to try the light out. That's 7 people now that have helped me work the area off and on today which is also cool. All have seen the blood and all believe 100% he's down it's just a matter of finding him.

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Not seeing what you are seeing it is tough to say, but I would not hesitate to think the bull could still be on its feet. I have seen some amazing things the last few years with bulls. They are SO tough and strong and capable of surviving more than you think. Either way, I hope you get a real close look at him soon. Stay positive and work as hard as you can till you exhaust your options...then go back to hunting. Sometimes they get lost.

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Well I went out for another hour with the blood light and a propane lantern I picked up at clints well today. Didn't find any new blood. I did back track the herd from this morning which is much easier with a lantern. I'm hoping if it was him maybe I'd find blood back where he was or maybe my bull was with them dead whereever they were hanging. Lost it after about 500 yards but did get a good sense of their direction. I've checked that area but it's nearing the fringe of my outside border. One thing I forgot to mention is that after the shot a bunch of elk and a couple bulls were hanging in theta he went and I heard 2-3 weird sounds that sounded more like cattle moos but there's no cattle in the area. A bull I killed a long time ago coughed pikes and groaned while he died-I know cause I watched from 20 yards. Anyway the last guy to help, mike, said was probably his death groans and thinks he should be in that area but maybe deeper in as their voice can carry long distances. What do u think?

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Definitely give it a shot where you think the moans and groans came from. He has got to be in there. If I didnt live so far away, I'd be there helping you.

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I feel for you man, If it was the weekend I would be up there helping you find your bull. You have really put in a lot of effort in finding him and not giving up, some people would of given up already. I've witnessed it before. I hope you find him soon and thanks for keeping us up to date on your mission to recover your bull.

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I found him! But not really...I circled way out this time at first light and stayed low so the thermals would bring his scent my way. I see a couple crows jump off the ground and head that way. Get close and hear what sounds like a bee hive. Look around and see a stomach lining withe contents spilling out. Look a little more and find his death bed. He looks like he just exploded with blood. The stomach is the only thing here. No organs, hide, bones or rack. There is one set of fresh tracks heading down into the canyon but u don't just walk away without ur stomach right? There is a very big and very fresh pile of bear poo near the stomach-would he drag that elk down the hill? Also no roads really close and it doesn't look like hunters found him and took him out-there's no sign of a work area and they woulda left something behind of the elk or theirs. .99 miles from last blood. I back tracked him a bit and it heads towards last blood. So I found where he most definitely died but where's my bull??? The rack or something should b Latin around here. May have to back and get my gun since a bear that took a dump bigger than my 10x42 binos is in here too.

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