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Tough Hunt

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I waited 2 1/4 hours before startin the trail. Decent but not great blood then after about 60 yards I find the fletching end of my arrow covered in blood. Within 20 yards find a big puddle of blood but it's thick and dark not frothy like lung blood. The blood is obviously coming out the entry and exit wound. I find 3 more big puddles in the next 25 yards. At the last one it looks like the rest of the herd came down the fence quick and he followed. After all that blood I only found 2 small specks and then nothin??? My flashlight died about then so I backed out to the truck wich was actually about .18 miles away. Not far but not sure how my gps screwed that up. My dad came back from phx to help at about 10:30. He wanted to look at it so I took him over. With my good flahlifht dead we didn't really have good enough lighting to keep tryin. He circled out a bit while I looked for the next blood. I told him we need to wait for daylight before we screw it all up. We had already been in there too long IMO.


Anybody tell me what kind of blood/wound I'm workin with? And how the heck can it just hemorage and spurt 4 time then just stop? I swear I center punched his lungs if not heart shot but it happened so quick maybe not. Of couse he ran to the highway fenceline-hope to god he didn't cross or gets tagged by somebody else in the morning. We think he's between the road to camp and last blood. When he joined up with the herd it made it much tougher. Hope to find him first thing...

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keep it up, track the blood slow and make circles, stop occasionally to glass for antlers and an elk body around you, sounds like you hit him good, shouldnt go very far! It is easy to lose the track when a bull runs with the herd, he will break off when feeling very wounded, always look to the side of the trail you're tracking

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I second what elkhunter and noasjpo said. I will add one more suggestion. If you can try to keep your nose in the wind as much as possible. I have located two downed elk by smelling that barnyard odor and following it. Especially if he got into thick stuff this works well. Good luck. Im sure you'll find him soon. Be patient.


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No luck and it's gettin hot fast! Not sure if he crossed 260 or not. There wouldn't happen to be any cw.com

Members in the area that might

B able to help out would there?

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You need to go back to last blood!!! The blood trail or speck trail as it may be is your best shot at finding him. I would keep one scouting ahead circleing looking for blood. and one constantly on the blood. You might think there is no blood, but if you have two holes in him you will find specks of blood some where. Hands and knees are the best way to look. If you lose blood start looking at ever increasing circles around the blood. A change in direction is hardest to relocate blood, but usually rewarding when you relocate it.


Good luck.


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If I wasn't working I would make the drive from Mesa to help. I really mean that. It wouldn't be the first time I've drove up to help on a recovery. I have been in your shoes many times with my own and others situations. Bobbyo has given you some good advise. That last blood is where you need to concentrate. If he didn't run with the rest of the herd then look in the direction he was heading. Couesdiehard's advise on locating your animal by nose is also some good advise. Don't want to sound negative here but by now he is in the spoil stage, if dead, so listen for coyotes and birds. I hope you find him alive and wish you all the luck. This has been exciting and keep us updated. :)



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Thanks guys. The problem with the last

Blood is that it stops at at the highway fenceline. 15 yards down the herd crosses the fence and

Crosses The highway. It's tough to pick up the tracks

On the other side. A couple tracks head down the fencline and a couple head up. There's somany fresh tracks around it's ridiculous. On the other side of the highway a herd of about 8 elk including a bull that I don't think was mine crossed in the exact same

Spot so now I have bunch more fresh tracks to deal with. I don't think it was my bull cause he looked healthy and I think had a bigger rack. There's a tank within a mile I'm gonna

Check that way too after I go back to the blood fir

The 4th or 5 th time.

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I have had luck by using arrows, rocks, backpack whatever, to mark the spots you see blood. look very, very closely for specs of blood on all the rocks and grass around and then mark the latest found blood with the oldest marker. you will see the general direction he is heading. look at the terrain and what he was looking at as he passed through. where would you go if you were a wounded elk? keep looking for blood. if all else fails guess and start heading that direction looking for sign etc. if that fails head back to your last marker and start again. i wouldn't be so concerned about what the herd did as what the wounded elk did. it sounds like this elk was mortally wounded. slow down, take a breath, and pay very close attention to all the sign around you. you will find this bull. just stay persistent and pay attention to all the details.


Good luck. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see this thing. Keep at it!

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It has been my experience that any animal, including elk, will break off from their herd when wounded. I would bet that he never followed that herd and crossed the highway. From the hit you described and the amount of blood you saw, he is dead somewhere. Keep at it, follow the tips given here and you will find him. Good luck.

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I did finally find that he crossed the highway and headed in the general area of the bull and cows I saw this morning. Let me ask u this: based on everything I've explained is there any chance that was my bull alive this morning about 9?

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