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Guest Ernesto C

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God Almighty, Father, Dad,

May Ernesto's prayer be an on-going, daily request and aknowledgement of your supremacy and love for us. Help us daily to grasp another glimps of your majesty, and please soften our prideful hearts so we can accept your mysterious truths.

I thank you as Jesus did, for hiding yourself from the wise and prudent and revealing yourself unto babes - those of us that can get ouselves out of the way long enough to realize that you are God, and we are not.

Thank you for being large and in charge - and so very patient with us.

Thank you so much for your creation! It is so beautiful - and perfect! And thank you even more for giving us a way out, that our destiny is not to be laid in the cold dirt to stay, but to be with you for eternity!

And thank you, Father, for making that plan so simple that anyone, children, even retarted people can understand it - like the thief on the cross, dying in his sin, can look to your Son, seeing who He is, and asking this God/man to remember him. A promise of paradise was His reply. I thank you lord that, like the thief, I don't have to earn my way to you. You are the Way! The work is done. "It is finished".

Please remember all those who look to you and see who you are, Jesus. Please grant us that same promise!

And thank you for Ernesto!


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Another well written posted prayer.

And all the good people of CWT said AMEN ;)

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Is this the weekly prayer post, Amen and thanks.

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