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No poo, or cologne, just cat scratch fever!

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Set this up on what was a fresh scratch that I found back in March. The scratch was long destroyed when I set the camera but I figured, what the heck. There are 4 total lions traveling in the area. 1 mom with 2 full grown kittens, one of the kittens is a male that we caught in March. The fourth cat is a large tom that keeps coming through the area, I'm sure waiting for a chance to kill the younger tom we caught earlier in the year.










Here's the kitten when we caught him in March.




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Set this up on what was a fresh scratch that I found back in March. The scratch was long destroyed when I set the camera but I figured, what the heck. There are 4 total lions traveling in the area. 1 mom with 2 full grown kittens, one of the kittens is a male that we caught in March. The fourth cat is a large tom that keeps coming through the area, I'm sure waiting for a chance to kill the younger tom we caught earlier in the year.


Very amazing pictures. Can you educate me more on what a "scratch" is and how it might be used? Those lions sure seem to spend time on it!

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A lion scratch is usually a spot where they have cleared all the pine needles and leaves. This particular scratch was about a foot in diameter and had a 1.5" diameter fresh green lion turd right in the middle. Sometimes, instead of going right in the middle of the clearing, they cover up their excrement with the material they used to clear the bare spot. Sometimes there is no feces at all and I guess they are just urinating on the scratch. I am told by some pretty experienced houndsman that you will usually find them under trees that are fairly well protected from the elements. I am also told that it is usually the Toms that are making the scratches. Trust me, once you see one, you will now know exactly what it is.

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I guess I never considered putting a trail cam up on a scratch. I always just cover them up so the next time I'm through I know if a Tom has been through the area or not.

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I want a lion myself, no luck yet only bobcats so far.

it would help if you had new glasses



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Check this out, this is a what toms do when they make a scrape.

Its also a good indacator as to witch direction of travel.

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Camper is working out great! I only used it on one hunt last year, but I'm getting ready for a buddies archery 9 bull tag and I have a 21 October WT tag. It will get used this winter for sure!

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Joe STOP posting pictures of yourself on line you are scaring people.

I want a lion myself, no luck yet only bobcats so far.

it would help if you had new glasses


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