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Bounty the Dog Hunter

Bandit vs Scorpion??

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I am aware that this topic is played out but I am ordering a caller tomorrow and I want to hear from people that have used both. I have used the Minaska and consider it great. I have not used the Scorpion but I like the features on the remote. I was looking at the TX9 remote vs the TX 200. Please enlighten me as to which is better and why. I understand that there are many other choices besides Minaska or Foxpro but weight and portability are the priority for me as a novice caller just getting started.


Thanks for any feedback

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I just bouht a cs24 that i really like, may not be what you are looking for though. I was set on a scorpion started shopping around. Might wanna wait for hyperwrx's opinion, he is very helpfull with e callers, you could send him a pm.

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The Scorpion and the Bandit M1 look identical in size and features but when you look at the price there is no comparison. The Minaska Outdoors caller wins. I know Mike and Steve Borland are doing some real wheeling and dealing if you can get a hold of them on the phone and explain to them what you want. Tell them Scott sent ya.


CS24 is a great caller. I dusted off my Big Country this morning and found it still works as advertised.



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